5 Steps to Using Google+ for SEO and Marketing

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Google+ can be a beneficial addition to your SEO arsenal if used correctly, with a crossover of search engine optimisation and social media using the largest search engine in the world.
Google+ has been widely debated in the world of online marketing and social media, with many people questioning its value against social media giants like Facebook and Twitter.
So is it any use to search engine marketers? As a Google product, G+ is always going to add value to pages ranking within Google search results.
Even if you aren't a fan of the new social platform, even basic use can make a difference to your search rankings.
On a user level, it seems that there are still only pockets of activity on Google+ rather than widely spread general use.
it may be the case that your business does not fall into a popular niche, but that isn't necessarily a problem.
If this is so, it will mean that you're unlikely to get a lot of direct traffic or interaction from G+, but posting and adding links regularly can still be beneficial from a search perspective.
If you are lucky to have an active social industry on Google+ then make the most of it! Get to grips with the social activity and start interacting, engaging, following other users, building circles and starting hangouts.
There are a few simple steps to setting up a Google+ business page: 1) Treat your page like a landing page on your website: you'll need a page title, meta description, and targeted keywords spread through your content.
Try to incorporate a keyword into your page title, even if your company name doesn't include it.
You have the option of a tagline or meta description underneath your page name, so utilise this by adding in other keywords in a natural way.
These will help users find your page more easily.
2) You now have an introductory section where you can add general information about your business.
Give as much information as possible, including:
  • Location
  • Opening hours
  • Products and services
  • General history and ethos of your company
  • Website address
  • Contact details
Make sure this section is well-written and user friendly - Google optimises natural, fresh content over spammy, keyword-stuffed content, remember! You can add links into this section too, so make the most of long tail search terms linking back to your website and other social media profiles.
Add videos and images to your Google+ gallery and don't forget to include descriptions and keywords so these can be easily searched for too.
Finally you can fill in the Recommended Links section with your website, social media profiles, blog - any link, site or resource that will be useful for your customers.
3) Next start adding content and links, multimedia, updates and info.
You can schedule posts using 3rd party clients like Hootsuite but at the moment you are unable to schedule blog posts into Google+ directly from your blog profile.
(We really hope Google adds this feature soon!) Aim for at least one post per day, and remember to ask questions and prompt interaction and conversation - don't just spam with endless links.
4) To build your G+ community you need to connect with other users.
From your page, start +1ing content that you like.
Search for your own keywords and follow similar businesses within your niche (yes, even competitors!).
Sort pages you follow into circles and decide what kind of content will be interesting to each group before you post it.
Once others start to reciprocate and add you to their own circles, your audience will naturally grow.
Meanwhile, all the links and content you post will give your SEO a boost within Google search results.
5) Connect your website and your G+ page by adding a Google+ badge or G+ code to your website, and adding your site URL to the info section of your G+ page.
By simply setting up and regularly posting on your Google+ page, you are giving your business an SEO advantage within Google search page results.
G+ has the potential to become much more valuable in the search world, so it's worth getting to grips with it now.
G+ activity can help to boost your search engine optimisation and social results in an organic way by using natural SEO techniques, and obtaining more +1s can be very effective in boosting individual website pages.
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