Steps to Creating Your Own eBook
Many people make creating an information product sound a lot harder to create than it actually is. The thing is, an information product online is digital. So not only are they easy to create and produce, but you'll never run out of product either.
One way to create an online product digitally is in the form of information through a report or an eBook. If you can put together a good information product that solves a problem or relieves pain, you can make a lot of money online.
When you write your eBook, you can write it on Word and then convert it to PDF format, which is the standard format for online books. It would be smart to hire someone to create the graphics for your book as well. If you can do graphics, great! If not, there are plenty of people who can make your graphics look professional and increase the chance that your eBook gets bought.
The graphics that you will need to get done are the actual cover graphics and book graphics or pictures. Even though it is a digital book with no real cover, you can display the book on your website like an actual physical book. This will appeal more to the visitor and will ultimately help you sell more copies of the eBook.
After you have everything setup and ready to go, including eBook, graphics, and sales page, then you need to work on getting traffic to your website so you can sell the book. Write some press releases, submit articles, and set up your website to gain traffic for free from the search engines. The more you write and the more you promote the better chance you are going to have to sell your new eBook.
Don't sweat the small stuff and keep this process as simple as possible. You will learn from your mistakes over time. But for now, just get your information product up and running. Taking action is the only way to make money online.