Boost Donations with an Acrylic Donation Box
Those little clear plastic donation boxes that are used for various charities and service groups seem to be everywhere but why are they used instead of other traditional donation boxes? How does an acrylic donation box benefit more than any other type of donation box? If you are looking into getting a donation box to put up for your charity or service group, there are a few things that you should know about acrylic donation boxes and all of their benefits.
First of all, acrylic is a material that is very difficult to break, making them a safer choice.
You wouldn't want someone to knock a donation box off the counter and have it shatter on you like a glass donation box would.
That could cause both injury as well as loss of donations.
It would also make it very easy for thieves to smash the boxes on purpose and take the money, leaving you with nothing but a big mess to clean up.
An acrylic donation box eliminates that possibility because it is next to impossible to break into without the proper tools.
So, acrylic donation boxes are the safest and most theft resistant donation boxes available.
Another great thing about acrylic donation boxes is that they are clear and make it easy for everyone to see what is inside.
People love to see how their contribution ads up and kids love to watch the money fall into the little pile at the bottom which means that there will be more donations just from people who like to look at money rather than just support your cause.
You will also get more donations from people who feel guilty.
If there is not a lot of money in the box, more people with put their change in just to make it look fuller.
A clear acrylic donation box is sure to bring in more donations than you would normally receive from a plain donation box.
Acrylic donation boxes are great for any donation needs because they are simple, lightweight and easy to set up.
The transparent appearance does not distract from any décor or environment around it which makes it easier to convince stores owners to set one up in their establishment.
More store owners will agree to set them up, which means that more donations will com into your charity or service group.
The high gloss finish is attractive and has a classy appearance that looks like glass but is stronger and more impact resistant as well as lighter in weight which makes it very portable.
It is easy to clean when too many little finger prints get all over it.
Many of the donation boxes have sign holders attached too, which makes it easy to advertise your cause and bring in more donations through educating people about where their money will go.
No one wants to donate to something that they don't know exactly what their money will be used for.
You can use this feature to tell about the overall charity or program or a specific event that you are funding for.
Either way, the donors will be happy that they know a little bit more about what they are spending their money on and they will be more likely to give more.
So, whatever your charity or service club may be, acrylic donation boxes are a sure way to bring in the maximum amount of donations