Lawn Sweeper Vs. Grass Catcher
- A lawn sweeper is essentially a large bag made of canvas or other material attached to a frame on wheels. Rotating brushes pick up lawn debris, such as leaves, pines needles, and small stones, as the sweeper is pushed. Pull models are generally more expensive, as are motorized sweepers.
- A grass catcher attaches to a lawnmower at the back or the side. As the mower cuts the grass, the force of the blade directs it through a chute leading into the bag. It's often necessary to detach and empty smaller capacity bags more often especially while mowing a large lawn.
- A lawnmower shreds lawn debris before it enters the grass catcher, while a lawn sweeper just picks it up whole. Both devices are useful for lawn maintenance, and considering which to buy is a matter of individual preference. Using a push sweeper means having to go over a lawn again after mowing, while mowing with a grass catcher attachment eliminates that task.