Are Out of Body Experiences Real? The Easiest Way to Tell If You"ve Had an Authentic OBE
or simply the byproduct of fantasy...
fiction or even fraud? Is there a difference between an induced OBE...
and one that happens on it's own? Do you need to be in danger, or closer to death to have one, or can ANYONE, with a little effort and practice, explore the ethereal realms on their own? The truth? Out of body experiences, and the whole idea of a mind, or consciousnesses itself being separate from the physical body is a pretty controversial area! Many people like myself...
who have had first hand experience with out of body travel...
and KNOW first hand that it's NOT something science can easily explain are often amused at how skeptics, cynics and debunkers try to reduce the adventure to a mere hallucination, or fantasy.
That said, though...
there ARE many people who think they've had an OBE, when in fact, they've just had a very lucid dream, or a brain blip of some type or stripe...
or even, as is often reported, a hallucination or fabricated experience brought on by recreational drug use...
or other inebrients.
The EASIEST way to tell that an out of body experience is real? Very simply...
verify and validate, whenever possible.
If you are working on an induced OBE for example, make very detailed "mental notes" about everything you see.
and authenticate.
Why? Nothing frustrates me more than talking with peers, or friends who INSIST they've had an OBE, yet...
can't defend when others ask for specifics.
Or details that can be valdiated.
It's frustrating...
simply because I used to do the same thing! (I'd tell people all about my experience...
yet, would get frustrated and angry whenever no one would believe it really happened, or wasn't simply a trick of the mind) Here is the WHOLE truth about OBE'S and astral projection: No one is entirely SURE what is going on.
Many scientists, parapsychologists and others who study the outer edges of human consciousness and potential believe it's a REAL phenomena, where the "mind at large" separates from the brain...
and is free to roam, explore and observe EVERYTHING that are ordinary awareness filters out.
My own belief, and evolution from SKEPTIC to believer has come from many OBE'S, lots of practice and more AMAZING experiences than one lifetime should allow..