How to Make Your Own Burn Book
- 1). Buy a notebook of some kind. A spiral notebook or composition book is more than adequate for the burn book. However, if you are looking for something fancier and more durable, you may want to use a bound journal or scrapbook.
- 2). Decorate the cover. You want the cover to stand-out and be easily distinguishable from other notebooks or journals. Using the glue stick, paste magazine cut-outs. Apply stickers and random doodles. You may also want to add a little bit of glitter and lipstick kisses in keeping with the "Mean Girls" theme.
- 3). Acquire a yearbook. Since you will be cutting out pictures of fellow students and faculty you intend to "burn", you may not want to dispose of your own yearbook. As such, it may be a better option to buy an extra copy that you feel comfortable destroying.
- 4). Write an entry. Be sure to write the name of the person you are "burning" at the top of the page. Cut the person's picture out of the yearbook and paste it onto the page. Add an unflattering remark about that person. Ideally, this person should be a peer or school faculty member you do not like or feel has wronged you in some way.