Why Your Ex Girlfriend Won"t Take You Back and What You Can Do To Change Her Mind
One of the most common reasons why she won't take you back is because you are not giving her the time and the space that she needs to be able to cool off and think things through.
You probably want to be able to rectify this situation as soon as possible, but you know what? Sometimes you just have to show that you can be patient and everything will work out.
Showing her that you can do that at least gives you the position of showing her that you can be long term relationship material.
A lot of the time in break up situations, that's all that she wants to see.
That you won't be the kind of guy who will hound her to make a decision, that you will allow her to have time to think things through.
When you show her that you have the emotional maturity to back off, you are showing her that you have a pretty rare quality and one that most women do value.
So, that is a good thing.
Not only that, you are also going to be able to take some time for yourself and think about what you really want because that is just as important.
Impulse decisions are not always the best ones that you can make, so you want to take some time to really see if your relationship with your ex girlfriend is really what you want.
If it is, then give her some time and don't press her about getting back together.
Instead, let her see that she can hang out with you and talk to you without you bringing up the fact that you want her back.
If you can do that and you can also make her feel like she can envision herself having a good relationship with you after working things out, then she probably will give that a chance.
You might also want to think about the idea of having some time to yourself where you get to experience what it's like to date other women, because you may find that you don't really want her back, you just want to have a girlfriend and there are plenty of other women out there that you can choose from.