How To Protect Yourself In A Soft Economy Using Network Marketing
Network Marketing is essentially a business in a box where all the heavy lifting for the most part is done for you. You don't have to create a product, figure out how to sell or promote it, worry about storage and delivery to the market place. With these opportunities it "should" already done for you. You should receive a product or service to promote, all the sales and marketing material, training and support from the mother ship. Another advantage is you can generally launch a network marketing business for a low investment generally under $1000.00. I think it's worth reading that last statement again; "generally under $1,000." While these opportunities are home based you can work your business anywhere. If you were to build a product or service yourself from the ground up, you would have to figure everything out for yourself and the upfront investment would generally exceed that price tag. Even if you were to look into a franchise where again most of the heavy lifting is done for you, the start up cost would exceed $1,000.
The third advantage to a Network Marketing opportunity is the power of part time. Not only can you get into an opportunity for a low investment or start up cost but you can start the entire process part time. It's your business, you decide how much time and energy to invest. The key is consistent action, keep in mind with any opportunity, you'll get out of it what you put into it. You can still keep your full time job and work your business at lunch, nights and weekends. It allows you to work part time building financial freedom and security for your family while maintaining your full time job.Â
A word of caution here, not all Network Maketing opportunities are created equal. You'll need to do your homework and make sure you are getting involved with reputable company and a product or service you can believe in.   Now, there are companies that have been around for decades or you can entertain younger companies. The general rule is find a company that is 3 to 5 years old. Also, make sure you look at their training and promotional material. Do you have all the training materials you need to be successful? And lastly look at the marketing plan and make sure they leverage the Internet and give you a step by step plan.Â