How to Find the Mid-Segment of a Triangle
- 1). Measure one side of the triangle and divide the result by two. Mark the point on the triangle equal to half that side's length (that is the midpoint of the side). For example, assume one side of a triangle is six inches. Six inches divided by two equals three inches. So you would mark the spot three inches from one of the two points making up that side, and that would be the side's midpoint.
- 2). Measure another side of the triangle and divide the result by two. Mark the midpoint of that side. In the example, assume the second side is ten inches. Ten inches divided by two equals five inches. So you would mark the spot five inches from one of the two points making up that side.
- 3). Using the ruler, draw a line (across the triangle) from one point you marked to the other. This line is the mid-segment of the triangle.