Acai Berries - Superfood or Superscam?
Updated June 10, 2015.
Acai berries are becoming the next superfood craze. You'll find whole website dedicated to the wonders of these berries. Should you give them a try?
They kept putting acai berries in my chocolate, and it made me wonder if those berries were doing me any good. I researched acai berries and all the health and anti-aging claims and found out that acai berries have some good and some exaggerated benefits.
Read the full article on acai berries.
Acai berries are becoming the next superfood craze. You'll find whole website dedicated to the wonders of these berries. Should you give them a try?
They kept putting acai berries in my chocolate, and it made me wonder if those berries were doing me any good. I researched acai berries and all the health and anti-aging claims and found out that acai berries have some good and some exaggerated benefits.
Read the full article on acai berries.