How to Please a Woman? Secrets to Drive Her Wild
We all want to be better at it.
The methods of how to pleasure a woman are not that difficult.
And they don't involve strange positions, or size, or endurance.
Yes, variety is good, and energy is good, and some say size is important.
But if you truly want to know how to please a woman in bed, read on! First, foreplay is more important to women than men.
Build up to your love making.
Flirt and whisper sweet nothings.
Make sensual body contact.
Caress the back of her neck, stroke her arm, and touch her knee.
Do all of this before you are even in the bedroom.
Also, dirty talk is a great arousal technique.
Do not go overboard with this, but many women like some naughty talk, especially if it is highlighting how much she turns you on.
She likes to hear she is the only one for you, that you want her forever, and you only want her.
She likes to hear that she makes you so hard it hurts.
Yes, she wants to know that she completes you! Let her take the lead some of the time.
Encourage her to explore her fantasies, and never make fun of her fantasies.
Make them your fantasies too.
But make sure you take the lead sometimes too.
Women want to see that you consider them worth making the effort for.
Talk a lot.
Women like to discuss everything, especially if it relates to emotions and feelings.
So indulge her.
Share how you are feeling! Tell her what you like! And if you bring up stuff she has told you about before and tell her you've been thinking about it a lot, let's just say that you will make her very happy.
Don't be a sleaze ball about it.
Think about what she says, so that you can truthfully tell her you've given it a lot of thought.
One of the huge parts of how to please a woman actually takes place immediately after sex.
Hopefully you both have had an orgasm, and immediately after orgasm is a very emotional time for a woman.
She wants to bond at that time.
So don't roll over and go to sleep.
Talk to her! Kiss her! Caress her some more! This is not the time to be the strong, silent type.
And it's certainly not the time to show how loud you can snore.
As you can see, none of these tips on how to please a woman had anything to do with size, or positions, or technique.
Imagine combining these tips with great technique? Now you're talking!