Cheap Smart Phones With Android OS - A Popular Choice Nowadays
With all the cheap smart phones available, the cheapest that you can get is a dual-core smart phone, which runs with Android Jelly Bean 4.
1 OS.
After comparing all the available units in the market, it shows that this holds the title for the cheapest dual core smartphone with Jelly Bean 4.
1 OS.
For a Samsung Galaxy S III Mini, it only costs around £239, and that already includes a free SIM.
As a good alternative, you can opt to get Google Nexus 4, which includes a quad-core processor and the latest Jelly Bean 4.
2 OS for just the same retail price.
Samsung Galaxy S III The Samsung Galaxy S III Mini is similar to the regular Galaxy SIII unit.
Both have pebble-like rounded corners and bowed sides for its design.
The phone has a 4-inch screen display, 8-16GB of phone storage, and 5MP for its back camera.
Some of its specs include 1GB of RAM, and its camera with 1GHz dual-core processor that gets a 763-point score on Geekbench 2.
Considering all these nice features, it is a sensible choice for those, who want to buy a low-cost smart phone.
Huawei Ascenda G330 A common problem with cheap smart phones is the use of an older Android 4.
0 Ice Cream Sandwich OS and a good example of which is the Huawei Ascenda G330.
Despite this, various cheap handset models are coming out this year that already includes Android Jelly Bean 4.
1 OS with a single core processor.
If you want to get the best of both the worlds, you can opt for a high end smart phone that normally costs £400.
Samsung's Galaxy Young and Galaxy Fame Recently, Samsung launched two new models in the market - Galaxy Young and Galaxy Fame.
Galaxy Young is an affordable and smart Android unit designed for the younger generations of smart phone users.
It has a 3.
27 inch screen, a 3MP Camera, 4GB of internal storage and a 3MP camera, that makes it a great choice for everybody.
On the other hand, Galaxy Fame has a larger screen at 3.
5 inches, 5MP for its back camera, and a front facing snapper that is designed for video chatting.
Both units run with Android Jelly Bean 4.
1 OS, but only with 1GHz single core processors.
Technology changes so fast, so you can see more smart phones to be launched by this year.
Because of this, people tend to become indecisive on what mobile phone to use.
Whatever you use in the end, it all boils down to the features and functions that should suit your personality.