Paruresis Treatment - 2 Effective Less Known Methods To Relieve Yourself In Public
This article will give you 2 of those methods and with them you will understand what it is that you can do to help yourself urinate in public other than using small coping methods instead of paruresis treatment methods.
FIRSTLY The first thing that you are going to want to do straight away is to visit a doctor to make sure that it isn't a medical problem more severe than shy bladder (a more common name).
Once you have ruled out a medical condition and you still have problems urinating in public then chances are that you are a sufferer of this condition.
With this in mind you can use one of the following methods to help relieve yourself when you are in a public toilet.
· Self-Catheterization This method may not sound too pleasant and painful however if you learn how to do it correctly it can be very simple and very effective for you to go through.
This is more of a back up method though but if you travel a lot this might be something that you want to look into.
Try finding a urologist who is willing to teach you how to do this and you will be able to urinate in public at those times when you really need to.
· Behavioural Therapy For this method you will need someone to help you which could be anyone from a family member, close friend or even a behavioural therapist.
What this method endures is that you get a friend to stand outside the bathroom (or somewhere you feel comfortable with them standing) so that you can urinate freely.
Urinate for two minutes and then take a break.
Slowly get your partner to move closer every time you manage to urinate to make it harder for you.
Once you get to the point where you start to struggle if you are unable to go wait two minutes at the toilet, it nothing still comes out then get your partner to move back to the previous position.
Keep doing this until you are able to go with your partner in the bathroom with you and then start implementing into public toilets.
Make sure that during this you pee directly in the water to make as much noise as possible (some people can't go because they are afraid of being heard) so that you can get used to people being able to hear you.
This may take some time but is actually highly effective as a paruresis treatment for many people as it helps you start to get used to being able to urinate in front of someone and after that's done taking it to the next stage which is public toilets.