Win Your Girlfriend Back Without Being a Used Car Salesman
begging, pleading, crying, talking it out, flowers, gifts, promises that things will be different and the Holy Grail..
"But I love you!" These things will never help you to win her back and as a matter of fact you will see that they are actually hurting your cause.
The short of it is that it is just in our nature to try to "fix" things and broken relationships are not different than a flat tire although definitely on a different level.
If a lug nut is rusted and seized up we want to whack it with a hammer.
Likewise, if our girlfriend or wife is unhappy we want to fix the issue and move along down the road.
Please don't whack her with a hammer! Unfortunately, women aren't a whole lot like cars.
But what you need to understand is one of the basics of human psychology...
well, there are a lot of things that come into play when you are trying to restore a broken relationship but vital to you success right now is the fact that if you chase after another human being they are going to flee.
The closer you "lean in" towards your girlfriend the more she is going to "lean back.
" The more you try to get her to talk to you the more she is going to avoid you.
Do you remember the last time you were at a car dealership? Sorry about the car metaphors...
it just came to my mind.
But do you remember how you felt the last time you went shopping for a new car? You saw the "Lot Lizard" approaching and that feeling of dread overcame you..
you didn't want to have to deal with this guy.
You knew that he was there to push a car on you and even if he wasn't pushy his ulterior motive, which is to sell you a car, oozed from his body.
If he was a real "old school" car salesman you might at some point hear "What do I have to do to get you to drive home in that car tonight?" That is basically what your girlfriend sees coming at her when you want to "talk"...
"What do I have to do to get you to come back to me tonight?" She can almost smell the desperation.
Your motives are desperate and until you get beyond that this is what she is going to see each time you meet.
You pursue her and she is repelled by it.
If you are really sincere about winning your girlfriend back you're gonna have to get yourself in check and learn to back off a little bit.
Learn how to get her to pursue you and let her chase after you for a while.
It can and WILL happen! I have seen it first hand! I am not saying that you need to start playing games with her head.
What I am saying is that you need to think and educate yourself about what makes a woman tick...
what you can do today to bring that attraction back and ultimately lead to getting your girlfriend or wife back.