Treating The Scars Of Acne Using Microdermabrasion
Sadly, we can't turn back time and unsqueeze our spots and we certainly can't magic the remaining scares away, so many people live with the effects of their acne for years, which can have a significant impact on people's confidence. The good news is that nowadays there are amazing means of getting rid of the acne scarring, and a few trips to a clinic can remedy the problem permanently.
Dealing with acne scarring has advanced hugely in recent years, to the extent that it is a relatively simple procedure nowadays. Treatment is dependent on the nature and the level of the scarring, of which there are three commonly recognised types, known as ice pick scars (or pickaxe scars), rolling scars and boxcar scars.
Sometimes the marks that people identify as scars might in fact turn out to be just passing skin conditions which will heal naturally, possibly over several months. A dermatologist is trained to advise which type a given mark is, and will offer appropriate treatment options. If the blemishes or pitting do turn out to be genuine acne scars, there are several forms of treatment that can help. A frequent option is the removal of the outer skin, the epidermis, in the affected area. This may not seem like a nice option but is much less harsh than it sounds as this layer is very thin. Clearing does not take place immediately, but it stimulates skin growth in the lower layers, which results in a smooth upper surface and better appearance.
Fractional laser resurfacing is a modern technique that works on the same principle as epidermis removal. Where it regrows, the skin rebuilds in a much smoother form. Treatment types and frequencies will depend on the severity of the acne scarring. Other treatments include mild fruit acid peels, but the correct remedy will depend largely on the scarring and the age of the problem condition.
So if you're currently suffering from acne, the most important thing to remember is not to pick at or squeeze your spots, as this can have far-reaching consequences. If you're one of the many people who has problems with post-acne scarring, however, there's a great chance that it can be greatly improved or even taken care of completely with modern methods of treatment.