EditPad Pro
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About EditPad Pro
EditPad Pro is a nice developer’s text editor. It offers a lot of nice features for manipulating text. It even handles writing text in double-byte characters. One feature that looked useful was the ability to select a section of text and define it as a column for sorting and manipulation. This is very useful with tab delimited files.
Target Market(s): Professional Web Developers
Review last updated: October 27, 2011.
EditPad Pro Latest Review
EditPad Pro Version: 7.0.8
Score: 126
Percent: 38%
This score was generated using the methodology listed in the article: Finding the Perfect Web Editor.
See all Web Editor Reviews or write a review of your editor.
EditPad Pro Technical Details
Operating System(s): Windows
EditPad Pro Features
- Text editor
- Write HTML 5 documents
- Color coding
- FTP or Site manager
- Search and replace
- Extended search and replace (across multiple documents)
- Edit multiple files/tabbed file editing
- Connects to graphics software
- Special character tools
- Can edit JavaScript
- Additional CSS assistance
- Spell checking
- Save snippets of code
- Free trial
- No limits on free or trial version
- No subscription fee required
What’s Missing from EditPad Pro
- WYSIWYG editor
- HTML validator
- Accessibility validator
- CSS validator
- XML validator
- Page preview
- Alternate browser or OS preview
- Mobile device preview
- Mobile scripts, functions, or links
- Create mobile web applications
- Package mobile apps for delivery on app stores
- Save pages as HTML with DTD
- Write XHTML documents
- Tag completion
- FTPs or Secure FTP
- Edit images
- Multimedia functions
- Assistance with adding videos to websites
- Ability to add video and audio using HTML5 with fallback options
- Save Adobe AIR files
- Save files as PDF
- Link checker
- Helps with Ajax JSON, or jQuery pages
- Can edit CSS
- CSS 3 properties and selectors
- CSS3 media queries tools built-in
- Can edit PHP, ASP, or JSP
- Dynamic page rendering and editing with server-side programming languages (PHP, JSP, ASP, CFM, etc.)
- Database connectivity
- Edit XML and/or RSS
- Google sitemaps
- Writes to blogs
- Free templates
- Free scripts
- Form wizard
- Photo gallery builder
- Ecommerce tools
- SEO assistance built-in
- Captcha support or other methods of protecting forms
- Version control
- Support for teams editing the site (beyond version control)
- Customizable or extendable
Get EditPad Pro
Full price: $49.95 Upgrade price: no
Download EditPad Pro
Free trial for 30 days.
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This product was reviewed using the information found on the website. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.