How to Get My Wife Back - Wickedly Effective Technique For Rebuilding Your Relationship
But once you have made that decision if you are like most guys out there you are not sure about what you should and should not do.
Telling your wife how you feel and apologizing can be quite a daunting prospect.
Men and women often take different meanings from the same conversation.
It can be more about what you did not say, rather than the words you actually used.
You need to clearly show your ex wife that you understand how she is feeling.
Putting yourself in her shoes will help you get a clearer picture of what needs to be said.
Think about the problems and arguments that you have had and with the benefit of hindsight try and look at these situations from your wife's point of view.
This is the best way to really get an empathy with how she feels.
Woman often feel that regardless of what they have done for their husbands they are not appreciated.
This can be the very essence of why you have broken up.
You have to convince her that she is appreciated and you now realize that you have hurt her by not telling her before.
Immediately after a breakup there is too much tension, both parties feel betrayed and let down and if you get together too soon your conversation will start out positive but in a very short time you will have pushed each other's buttons and both of you will feel there is no way forward.
However there is an answer to this.
Try putting your words in writing.
You can spend as long as you need to get the right words.
As long as you are determined to tell her you are sorry, acknowledge that you caused her pain and make it very clear how much you appreciate everything she did for you.
When you are happy with what you have written post it off to her and wait for her to contact her.
She will have the chance to sit down and read and if necessary reread what you have written without any interruptions.
This makes your letter a very powerful form of communication.
This is a great way to get you talking again.