How to Make a Mortgage Payment Immediately After Purchase
- 1). Ask your closing attorney or title company for a copy of all paperwork signed at the closing table. There should be a payment coupon or address for your new loan in the stack of paperwork. If not, request one from your lender.
- 2). Fill out the required information on the payment coupon. If you would like to use automatic debits after this payment, that form may be included with the payment coupon. If not, call the the mortgage company that will service your mortgage to set up that service.
- 3). Include your new mortgage loan number (usually listed on the payment coupon) on the check that you are sending with the coupon. Mail in the payment or take it to the branch of your new lender, if applicable.
- 1). Go online, as a second option, and create a new account with your lender.
- 2). Follow the steps after logging in for the first time to pay your mortgage. Usually the lender will require you to enter your new loan number and select a payment option, bi-weekly or monthly.
- 3). Enter your checking account routing number and checking account number when prompted. Also enter the amount of payment, remembering to mark any extra payments for principal reduction to reduce the loan amount further. If not done in Step 2, enter the desired automatic draft option at this point to set up future payments.