Gall Stones and Homeopathic Treatment Strategy!
Gall stones have become quote a common problem these days, thanks to our changing lifestyles and sedentary habits! The gall stones may result from from previous attacks of cholecystitis; however, in many cases pigment stones are also found even without such bacterial infections.
The gall stones may be solitary or more commonly multiple. Solitary stone may attain bigger size that may be composed of cholesterol, a translucent material. Bile pigments are often deposited on its surface.
The multiple stones usually become faceted because of friction against one another. They usually contain alternating layers of cholesterol and bile pigments. They are usually the result of previous gall bladder infections.
Pigment stones containing biliverdin (often termed as biliary mud) are uncommon variety found more in biliary duct than in gall bladder.
(1)Â Â A "Fat Fertile Flatulent Female of Forty" is the usual sufferer of gall stones, though this is not a rule. Men are equally prone to gall stone disease, especially in this modern era.
(2)Â Â Reflex dyspepsia is the commonest symptom of gall bladder disease, in which the patient often complains of bloating and flatulence immediately after food, associated with belching. The symptoms simulate those of peptic ulcer, but the periodicity of dyspepsia seen in case of ulcer is lacking here.
(3)Â Â When the stone enters the cystic duct or neck of the gall bladder (if bigger), gall stone colic starts.
(4)Â Â The pain in abdomen may be excruciating which makes the patient to bend double and press over abdomen. There may be referred pain to back or shoulder blades.
(5)Â Â Vomiting and retching are often present.
(6)Â Â In some patients however, the pain is not so severe but is of dull type and strictly located to right hypochondrium.
Ultrasonography reliably diagnoses the condition and one may start treatment after confirming the diagnosis.
Treatment of gall stone colic with Homeopathic Medicines—
This is the very crucial aspect for any patient, who is fed up of the agony he undergoes due to pain. Also the abdominal discomfort is bad to deal with. Many patients ask us, "Can surgery be averted?" and the good news is "Yes, with homeopathic treatment, surgery for gall stones (cholecystectomy) can be avoided. Literally thousands of patients have sought help of homeopathic treatment to avoid being operated for gall stone disease.
Homeopathic treatment however must be dependent upon the characteristic Symptomatology of each case in hand and not on the diagnosis of the disease. Certainly the investigations are important to know what's wrong and to assess steady progress.
The miasmatic blocks are many times the reason for such tendencies to develop gall stones and the disease has been seen to run in families too. Therefore, homeopathic constitutional and intercurrent remedies help one conquer the odds and put the body back into homeostasis. Some mother tinctures can also be used like Berberis vulgaris and best results can be achieved in pretty short time.
However, it is the duty of homeopathic physician to ensure that patient follows auxiliary line of treatment too along with homeopathic treatment. Certain lifestyle changes have been found to yield rewarding results for the patients of gall stones and general dyspeptic troubles. For example- eating smaller meals at regular intervals helps one conquer the dyspepsia, which is blamed to cause gall stones in the long run. Right eating habits and exercise routines help a great deal in preventing recurrence, along with constitutional homeopathic prescribing. Get moving today to avert gall stone disease!
The gall stones may be solitary or more commonly multiple. Solitary stone may attain bigger size that may be composed of cholesterol, a translucent material. Bile pigments are often deposited on its surface.
The multiple stones usually become faceted because of friction against one another. They usually contain alternating layers of cholesterol and bile pigments. They are usually the result of previous gall bladder infections.
Pigment stones containing biliverdin (often termed as biliary mud) are uncommon variety found more in biliary duct than in gall bladder.
(1)Â Â A "Fat Fertile Flatulent Female of Forty" is the usual sufferer of gall stones, though this is not a rule. Men are equally prone to gall stone disease, especially in this modern era.
(2)Â Â Reflex dyspepsia is the commonest symptom of gall bladder disease, in which the patient often complains of bloating and flatulence immediately after food, associated with belching. The symptoms simulate those of peptic ulcer, but the periodicity of dyspepsia seen in case of ulcer is lacking here.
(3)Â Â When the stone enters the cystic duct or neck of the gall bladder (if bigger), gall stone colic starts.
(4)Â Â The pain in abdomen may be excruciating which makes the patient to bend double and press over abdomen. There may be referred pain to back or shoulder blades.
(5)Â Â Vomiting and retching are often present.
(6)Â Â In some patients however, the pain is not so severe but is of dull type and strictly located to right hypochondrium.
Ultrasonography reliably diagnoses the condition and one may start treatment after confirming the diagnosis.
Treatment of gall stone colic with Homeopathic Medicines—
This is the very crucial aspect for any patient, who is fed up of the agony he undergoes due to pain. Also the abdominal discomfort is bad to deal with. Many patients ask us, "Can surgery be averted?" and the good news is "Yes, with homeopathic treatment, surgery for gall stones (cholecystectomy) can be avoided. Literally thousands of patients have sought help of homeopathic treatment to avoid being operated for gall stone disease.
Homeopathic treatment however must be dependent upon the characteristic Symptomatology of each case in hand and not on the diagnosis of the disease. Certainly the investigations are important to know what's wrong and to assess steady progress.
The miasmatic blocks are many times the reason for such tendencies to develop gall stones and the disease has been seen to run in families too. Therefore, homeopathic constitutional and intercurrent remedies help one conquer the odds and put the body back into homeostasis. Some mother tinctures can also be used like Berberis vulgaris and best results can be achieved in pretty short time.
However, it is the duty of homeopathic physician to ensure that patient follows auxiliary line of treatment too along with homeopathic treatment. Certain lifestyle changes have been found to yield rewarding results for the patients of gall stones and general dyspeptic troubles. For example- eating smaller meals at regular intervals helps one conquer the dyspepsia, which is blamed to cause gall stones in the long run. Right eating habits and exercise routines help a great deal in preventing recurrence, along with constitutional homeopathic prescribing. Get moving today to avert gall stone disease!