Ways to Be a Better Boyfriend
- Women often give their men cues of what they want and need. Sometimes these cues can be subtle and you need to do some figuring to know what she’s trying to tell you. Listen to what she has to say. It may sometimes feel like she is speaking in code, so it can be hard to decipher what she is looking for. However, don’t be afraid to ask her questions to help you figure out her cues. If you ask her questions about what she is talking about, she knows you are interested and care about what she has to say. Giving your girlfriend the attention she craves will earn you bonus points, even if she does have to help you figure it out.
- Respect is an important element of any relationship and will help you become the boyfriend she wants you to be. Some men find it easier to be selfish in a relationship and focus only on their own wants and needs. Ask your girlfriend for input on your date plans or include her in important decisions in your life. Don’t cut her off when she is trying to tell you something that seems important to her, even if it seems unimportant to you. Never speak poorly of her family or friends because she is likely to take those comments personally. When you give her respect, she will return that respect, which provides a solid foundation for your relationship.
- Whether she is dealing with a loss in her family or she is feeling unattractive for some reason, offering your support goes a long way toward showing you care. Honesty is an important part of that support, but make sure your honesty does not come across as mean or uncaring. For instance, if she asks if you think she looks fat, let her know that you love her just the way she is and think she is special. It isn’t a good idea to come out and say that you do think she is fat, but you don’t want to tell her she is skinny either.
- Some women crave romance in their relationships; however, some men have a difficult time in this department or just forget to be romantic. Send her flowers or bring her little trinkets on some of your dates. Don’t bring something every time and spoil her, but bringing something occasionally lets her know you think of her when you are apart. Take her to nice restaurants for special occasions. One way most men can show some romance to their girlfriend is simply by remembering important dates, such as anniversaries of special days, birthdays and other days that are important to her or your relationship. Write yourself notes to help you remember and surprise her with something special for those dates.
- While you may want to be near her all the time, a good boyfriend knows when she needs some space. Wanting or needing a little space doesn’t necessarily mean she is thinking of breaking up with you. Instead, it usually means she needs some time to herself. If she asks for a little space or turns down a date in favor of spending time alone, don’t start asking her a bunch of questions or call her constantly. Trust her and let her do what she needs to do. She will appreciate it. Smothering her is likely to drive her away and cause you to lose her.