He Blames My Legs for His Lack of Sleep
Are you aware that if you suffer from a lack of sleep your brain works harder -- and accomplishes less, actually if you are sleep-deprived, research has shown that one part of your brain actually shuts down while other parts work harder to offset the problem.
But no matter how hard the brain tries to compensate in the sleep-deprived, the performance of mental tasks is reduced.
Mental acuity requires a well rested brain received from 'Deep Sleep' or REM sleep.
Do you and your partner sleep in separate room because you keep each other awake? Insomnia is a global problem, USA statistics indicate that there are over 175 million people experiencing differing levels of this debilitating problem, this does not include those that push the problem aside or those who seek medical assistance for other problems and do not mention their sleeplessness..
Of those 175 million 5 to 10 per-cent will have insomnia because of 'Restless Leg Syndrome' - referred to as RLS.
The level of insomnia would grow immensely if all those who experienced restless leg syndrome reported their issues to the doctors.
For many decades this problem was referred to as being psychosomatic.
While there seems to be not one single cause of RLS, a number of facts are now known.
They include that the person may have a deficiency in their Central Iron levels, the receptors that carry iron to the mid section of the brain are insufficient.
Restless Leg Syndrome is familiar in many groups, being genetically linked to chromosome 12 or 14, depending on the family.
While there seems to be no one single cause for people with RLS, a number of facts are now known, which include the following; There are a number of substances that seem to increase the symptoms of RLS.
One of the most frequently reported offenders is alcohol.
Normally, RLS symptoms are more likely to occur when a person is relaxing and tending to be drowsy, so the fact that alcohol promotes this state is a likely reason that it worsens RLS symptoms.
Alcohol should be avoided particularly if there is a family history of RLS.
Studies have shown that there is a 17.
5% increase of worsening symptoms related to family history and alcohol consumption.
Research has also shown that even people who have achieved relief from drug therapy have complained of symptoms reoccurring after drinking a moderate amount of alcohol; a very modest intake is wise.
For some, alcohol may initially offer brief reductions in restlessness and appear to promote sleep, but after 30 to 90 minutes, the sleep pattern is superseded by a worsening of leg restlessness and insomnia symptoms.
Other substances that should be avoided: Caffeine in all its forms, including coffee, cola drinks, cough syrups etc.
and include tea, as most teas contain varying levels of caffeine.
No Nicotine, especially near bedtime; we know that there are many excellent health reasons for stopping the smoking habit.
Nicotine acts as a stimulant effects, raises your blood pressure and heart rate and stimulates the brain, counteracting the slowdown you need to get a good night's sleep.
There are a number of medical treatments and alternative therapies available for RLS, and for those with other causes of sleeplessness, however, it is important to follow a number of general 'sleep hygiene' tips to help encourage a good night's sleep.
Suggestions on how to improve your sleep patterns: Your sleep environment should be optimized, so that the bed is comfortable and your bedroom is dark and quiet You should have a set routine to adhere to, by going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning as this stabilizes your circadian rhythms.
Naps should be avoided unless it is just a brief sleep - less than 10 minutes - in the early afternoon.
Naps should never be taken in the early evening.
Daily exercise can assist to improve alertness and initiate sleep at night.
Excessive exercise immediately prior to your bedtime is of no benefit, it usually causes a prevention of normal sleep patterns.
Do not consume food late into the evening, especially just before retiring and caffeinated drinks should also be avoided late in the day.
Physical and mental relaxation, such as a warm bath with Lavender Oil and a candlelit environment can help to unwind from the day's stresses.
Refrain from using computers or mobile phones immediately prior to retiring for the day.
But no matter how hard the brain tries to compensate in the sleep-deprived, the performance of mental tasks is reduced.
Mental acuity requires a well rested brain received from 'Deep Sleep' or REM sleep.
Do you and your partner sleep in separate room because you keep each other awake? Insomnia is a global problem, USA statistics indicate that there are over 175 million people experiencing differing levels of this debilitating problem, this does not include those that push the problem aside or those who seek medical assistance for other problems and do not mention their sleeplessness..
Of those 175 million 5 to 10 per-cent will have insomnia because of 'Restless Leg Syndrome' - referred to as RLS.
The level of insomnia would grow immensely if all those who experienced restless leg syndrome reported their issues to the doctors.
For many decades this problem was referred to as being psychosomatic.
While there seems to be not one single cause of RLS, a number of facts are now known.
They include that the person may have a deficiency in their Central Iron levels, the receptors that carry iron to the mid section of the brain are insufficient.
Restless Leg Syndrome is familiar in many groups, being genetically linked to chromosome 12 or 14, depending on the family.
While there seems to be no one single cause for people with RLS, a number of facts are now known, which include the following; There are a number of substances that seem to increase the symptoms of RLS.
One of the most frequently reported offenders is alcohol.
Normally, RLS symptoms are more likely to occur when a person is relaxing and tending to be drowsy, so the fact that alcohol promotes this state is a likely reason that it worsens RLS symptoms.
Alcohol should be avoided particularly if there is a family history of RLS.
Studies have shown that there is a 17.
5% increase of worsening symptoms related to family history and alcohol consumption.
Research has also shown that even people who have achieved relief from drug therapy have complained of symptoms reoccurring after drinking a moderate amount of alcohol; a very modest intake is wise.
For some, alcohol may initially offer brief reductions in restlessness and appear to promote sleep, but after 30 to 90 minutes, the sleep pattern is superseded by a worsening of leg restlessness and insomnia symptoms.
Other substances that should be avoided: Caffeine in all its forms, including coffee, cola drinks, cough syrups etc.
and include tea, as most teas contain varying levels of caffeine.
No Nicotine, especially near bedtime; we know that there are many excellent health reasons for stopping the smoking habit.
Nicotine acts as a stimulant effects, raises your blood pressure and heart rate and stimulates the brain, counteracting the slowdown you need to get a good night's sleep.
There are a number of medical treatments and alternative therapies available for RLS, and for those with other causes of sleeplessness, however, it is important to follow a number of general 'sleep hygiene' tips to help encourage a good night's sleep.
Suggestions on how to improve your sleep patterns: Your sleep environment should be optimized, so that the bed is comfortable and your bedroom is dark and quiet You should have a set routine to adhere to, by going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning as this stabilizes your circadian rhythms.
Naps should be avoided unless it is just a brief sleep - less than 10 minutes - in the early afternoon.
Naps should never be taken in the early evening.
Daily exercise can assist to improve alertness and initiate sleep at night.
Excessive exercise immediately prior to your bedtime is of no benefit, it usually causes a prevention of normal sleep patterns.
Do not consume food late into the evening, especially just before retiring and caffeinated drinks should also be avoided late in the day.
Physical and mental relaxation, such as a warm bath with Lavender Oil and a candlelit environment can help to unwind from the day's stresses.
Refrain from using computers or mobile phones immediately prior to retiring for the day.