How to Make a Seating Bench
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This could be made with two footboards from a twin size bed or a baby bed.
Scour salvage yards, thrift stores, flea markets, and garage/yard sales, until you find what you are looking for. Which is:
A double size or twin size headboard, which may be worn and even crackled and aged, but has beautiful lines.
Also, look for attractive old interior doors. These will be your front, sides and back for the bench seat.
When finished, you will have the option of leaving the finish as is, if it is in a crackled old state. People pay a lot of money to have this done to new furniture these days; or you can sand it down, and refinish with a stain/polyurathane-in-one can combination. Easy to apply and covers a lot of little marks and dents. You will need to sand in between coats and re-apply the stain until you achieve the look you desire. - 2
This is an example of using a headboard and the top of a dresser as the seat with legs attached.
The size of the seat is based entirely on the size of the headboard that you decide to use. By the way, it could even be a metal headboard if you like.
The most attractive door will be your front, and will need to be cut to the width of the headboard, being sure to cut an equal amount from each end. The height should be 30". Try to center as much of the beautiful molding of the door as possible. For the 2 sides, cut another door, (doesn't matter if it matches exactly the front) into 2 pieces, 30" tall by 30" deep. Again, center on the nicest part of the door.
The third door will be the back. Cut to the same size as the front. Sand all the cut edges. - 3
This door has glass in it, but it has great design
Have 2 x 4s cut by the home center into 4 lengths of 30". These will go in each inside corner. This is the easiest, unless you have a band saw handy.
Having someone to help you hold the door pieces together, attach at the corners using long enough wood screws to go through the 2 x 4 and into, but not out of the door. Put at least 3 screws through the 2 x 4 into the front and 3 into the side. The 3 that go into the side should be put in from the outside into the inside of the 2 x 4, and counter sunk. (you can fill this later with wood putty). Repeat for all 4 sides.
Attach the headboard to the back door with screws at least 1 1/2 feet down from the top of the box. In other words, not quite as much of the headboard will still be showing, but this adds extra strength. Add even more strength by either placing the bench against a wall, or placing a 2 x 4 brace at the bottom of the headboard. - 4
Your seat could look like this
Place a piece of plywood under the four doors just put together. Using a pen or pencil, mark on the plywood the size of the interior of the bottom of the box. Remove and cut with a jig saw. Place inside the bottom of the box, and screw in from the side, again counter sinking.
For the top, place the plywood even with the back of the box and even on one end, and mark the other two ends from underneath as to where you need to cut. Remove and cut.
Attach one side of a heavy duty piano hinge to the back door at the back side of the box, and on the inside of the box. This allows enough room for the lid to open. - 5
Your lid will hinge as this one does
Before attaching to the headboard, use a piece of 2" solid foam (you can buy these as sewing centers), and cut to the size you need, using a serrated knife, or if you have one, an electric knife.
Attach to the plywood with adhesive spray.
Put a couple of layers of batting on top of this, and add your chosen material. Staple using a staple gun, starting at the center front, alternating to the back and then to the sides, making a neat fold at the corners. Cut and staple and glue if necessary around the hinge. This will not be seen.
To finish the lid, staple another piece of material turned under around the edges, to the inside to cover the staples from the top material. - 6
This will be the appearance of the seat when finished.
Now you are ready to attach the other side of the piano hinge. Attach to the inside of the back door. Add a hinge stop to one side and to the top. Or just hold it open when you access the inside. Project done, unless you want to refinish the doors and headboard, as described above.