Birthday Pajama Party Games for Kids
- Kids can play fun games to enhance their pajama-party experience.happy child image by Katrina Miller from <a href=''></a>
Kids' birthday parties often include lots of games, with games ceasing once the guests leave. However, when kids have a pajama party, the fun and games might continue into the night and possibly resume in the morning. Kids can entertain themselves and keep busy by playing a number of games fitting to pajama-themed birthday party. - Kids watching cartoons during a pajama party test their animation knowledge in this game. Using both old-time classics and more modern cartoons, a leader compiles a list of cartoon characters and a separate list of cartoon titles. After the leader distributes copies of both lists to all players, kids write next to the character the cartoon title matching the character name. The kid with the most correct answers wins.
- "Ghost in the Graveyard" moves the pajama party outside, weather permitting. One kid serves as the "ghost," standing at a designated home base. As others run and hide, the "ghost" counts off hours aloud, starting with "1 o'clock." Upon reaching "12 o'clock," the "ghost" starts searching for players, who may warn others of the "ghost's" arrival by shouting, "Ghost in the graveyard! Run!" Players try making it back to home base if the "ghost" sees them. Should the "ghost" tag a player before he reaches home base, that player becomes the new "ghost."
- After dividing into two or more teams, kids line up roughly 20 feet across from a laundry basket full of adult-size pajamas. Kids run to the basket, put pajamas on over their own pajamas and race back to their team. Kids then pass the pajamas to the next kid in line, who puts them on, runs to the basket, puts them back in the basket and races back to the start line. The cycle restarts, with the next player running down and putting on another pajamas set, and then racing back, removing the pajamas and handing them to the next player. Once all players have had a turn, the team completing the relay first wins.
- Kids race to pass items down a line in "Pajama Pass It On." After forming two lines and facing the same direction, the first person in each line rolls a die. Upon one of the first-in-line kids rolling a six, kids pass a small object such as a pajama top/bottom, pillow or teddy bear to the player behind them. Passing continues until the item reaches the end of the line. The last person in the line stands up, races to the front of the line and sits down. The kid sitting down first now heads the line, with the kid sitting down second returning to his initial spot. The team rotating from back to front first wins.
- Inspired by the nursery rhyme, "Five Little Monkeys," this game lets kids jump up and down to determine the last "monkey" standing." With plates representing "beds" and kids represent "monkeys," kids jump up and down on the "beds" as the leader sings the rhyme. The leader adjusts the rhyme to the number of kids; for instance, with seven kids, the leader sings, "Seven little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped her head, concluding with, "Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, no more monkeys jumping on the bed." At this point, "monkeys" not on a "bed" exit the game. The leader removes the plates from the game, and play resumes until one "monkey" remains.