The Challenge To Get Back With An Ex Girlfriend
This can be a daunting task but it is a goal that can be achieved with some work and a positive attitude.
Most of all, a women looks for confidence in a man, so it is important to portray this even if you are torn up inside and feeling anything but confident.
Now is not the time for long lonesome looks and sad, drooping puppy dog eyes.
A man that is looking to get back with an ex girlfriend must take care of himself.
He must be sure to abstain from excessive drug and alcohol use even if he feels like drowning his sorrows in bourbon and strong wine.
If you appear to your former mate as if nothing is wrong, this will peak her interest and make her feel that maybe the wrong decision has been made with your break up.
Men have a strong desire for sex.
After a break up, the urge to go out and have sex with the first available woman must be kept in check.
Once your former mate has discovered that you have been with another, your chances of reconciliation grow quite slim.
This is where discretion plays an important role.
Do not have sex with one of her friends or anyone in your immediate group of friends.
Head out of town if you need to indulge.
Cross the border and go wild, just be sure to play it cool in your own backyard if you truly want to get back with an ex girlfriend.
Women are also deeply concerned with feeling cared for.
Ask a few key friends of hers how she is doing.
Not in a creepy stalker kind of way, but feign genuine concern for her well being without you.
You may want to practice this in front of a mirror or trusted male friend if such sentiment does not come naturally to you.
In order to get back with an ex girlfriend, it is important to mask any emotions of vengeance or sorrow you may be feeling.
Finally, if you have the opportunity to speak with her, be kind but firm.
Let her know that you would like nothing more than for things to work out.
If she has found someone else, wish her the best of luck with a knowing smile.
She will immediately begin to reconsider her hasty decision.
Remind her of shared intimacies without seeming threatening.
The way to get back with an ex girlfriend is to appear as if nothing has changed while letting her come back to you.
Remember to project confidence and feign concern when appropriate and you will have her back in no time.