Our Favorite Summer Skin Must-Haves
We all want beautiful summer skin, right? To do that, you're going to need a few skin care products and accessories to get your skin in tip-top condition.
Don't worry, it's as easy as can be to have glowing summer skin.We're going to share our favorite products and secrets to help transform your skin.
We are in love with mineral sunscreens for your face. What was a new concept in the previous year or two is now something that you can find in many lines, and we think you need to try one.
Mineral sunscreens typically come in a pre-filled container with an attached brush for you to simple brush the sunscreen on all over your face.You not only get sun coverage, you get to cover-up the shiny face you might have.
You can find these in tinted colors or even clear, depending on what you're looking for.
Product Pick - Bare Escentuals: SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen - (buy direct)
It's time to pack away the blush and pick out a good bronzer. And what makes a good bronzer? One that doesn't leave your skin looking orange. Orange is not the color we're going for.
You'll look better and feel better with a little summer glow, especially if your skin doesn't get much color in the summer months.If you can't make it, fake it!
Product Pick - Laura Gellar: Bronze - N - Brighten - (buy direct)
While natural fingernails with clear polish are always in, summer is the time to go with a bold, fun color on your toes. Go with the reds, pinks and corals.
And nail polish is something that is such a nice treat because they are so inexpensive and last the entire summer.
Trust us, no one looks good in sandals if they don't take time to take care of their feet. Polish looks nice.
Product Pick - Zoya: Moxie Vibrant Red Plum Cream - (buy direct).
A good body scrub is vital to smooth summer skin.Think about all of the dead skin cells that accumulated on your body over the winter and spring. They need to be scrubbed off so your healthy new skin can shine.
Scrubs are especially important if you self tan.The week before applying self tanner, you should scrub a few times to ensure your skin is even and ready to soak in the tanner.
Product Pick - Bliss: Blood Orange + White Pepper Sugar Body Scrub - (buy direct)
Your lips are even more sensitive to the sun than your skin, but how many of us think about protecting them with sunscreen? By picking out a lipbalm with SPF protection, your lips will skip the painful peeling that can come from sunburn.
And what used to be almost impossible to find is now everywhere! Try to find one with at least SPF15.
Product Pick - Mission Skin Care: Pomegranate Lip Balmer SPF15 - (buy direct)
What's a list of summer skin must-haves without the sunscreen. Let's face it, if you don't love your sunscreen, you're not going to want to use it. But we know you know you have to use sunscreen, so let's find one you love so that you have no excuses.
You can find a list of our 6 Favorite Budget Sunscreen Brands to see if there is something you can find at the drugstore, or you can try our favorite fruity sunscreen from Coola Sunblock.
Product Pick - Coola: Mango Sport SPF45 - (compare prices)
Don't worry, it's as easy as can be to have glowing summer skin.We're going to share our favorite products and secrets to help transform your skin.
1. Mineral Facial Sunscreens
We are in love with mineral sunscreens for your face. What was a new concept in the previous year or two is now something that you can find in many lines, and we think you need to try one.
Mineral sunscreens typically come in a pre-filled container with an attached brush for you to simple brush the sunscreen on all over your face.You not only get sun coverage, you get to cover-up the shiny face you might have.
You can find these in tinted colors or even clear, depending on what you're looking for.
Product Pick - Bare Escentuals: SPF 30 Natural Sunscreen - (buy direct)
2. Bronzer
It's time to pack away the blush and pick out a good bronzer. And what makes a good bronzer? One that doesn't leave your skin looking orange. Orange is not the color we're going for.
You'll look better and feel better with a little summer glow, especially if your skin doesn't get much color in the summer months.If you can't make it, fake it!
Product Pick - Laura Gellar: Bronze - N - Brighten - (buy direct)
3. New Polish
While natural fingernails with clear polish are always in, summer is the time to go with a bold, fun color on your toes. Go with the reds, pinks and corals.
And nail polish is something that is such a nice treat because they are so inexpensive and last the entire summer.
Trust us, no one looks good in sandals if they don't take time to take care of their feet. Polish looks nice.
Product Pick - Zoya: Moxie Vibrant Red Plum Cream - (buy direct).
4. Body Scrub
A good body scrub is vital to smooth summer skin.Think about all of the dead skin cells that accumulated on your body over the winter and spring. They need to be scrubbed off so your healthy new skin can shine.
Scrubs are especially important if you self tan.The week before applying self tanner, you should scrub a few times to ensure your skin is even and ready to soak in the tanner.
Product Pick - Bliss: Blood Orange + White Pepper Sugar Body Scrub - (buy direct)
5. Lip Balm with SPF
Your lips are even more sensitive to the sun than your skin, but how many of us think about protecting them with sunscreen? By picking out a lipbalm with SPF protection, your lips will skip the painful peeling that can come from sunburn.
And what used to be almost impossible to find is now everywhere! Try to find one with at least SPF15.
Product Pick - Mission Skin Care: Pomegranate Lip Balmer SPF15 - (buy direct)
6. Sun Screen You Love
What's a list of summer skin must-haves without the sunscreen. Let's face it, if you don't love your sunscreen, you're not going to want to use it. But we know you know you have to use sunscreen, so let's find one you love so that you have no excuses.
You can find a list of our 6 Favorite Budget Sunscreen Brands to see if there is something you can find at the drugstore, or you can try our favorite fruity sunscreen from Coola Sunblock.
Product Pick - Coola: Mango Sport SPF45 - (compare prices)