On Giving Women Orgasms - Surefire Techniques (You"ll Love These)
These are some things I continue to use for awesome results in the bedroom.
And remember guys...
if you focus on giving HER pleasure, then you can be sure that you'll get even more for yourself.
Read on.
Foreplay Are you good at foreplay? Let me answer that for you.
If a woman is not having an orgasm during foreplay, then you are not as good as you need to be.
Just because it is called "foreplay" does not mean that you can't give her an orgasm during it.
Women are not like guys once they have an orgasm.
They will want to continue the experience and want to get another and another as opposed to how we are completely taken out of the mood when we finish.
Make sure that you are giving her strong foreplay.
The best way to do this is to give her great oral sex.
This is what will separate you from all the other chumps she's been with.
Emotional Intensity Her mental state is just as important (if not more) than her physical state when it comes to achieving an orgasm.
What I'm saying is that her orgasms will not be nearly as strong if you are merely catering to her physical needs.
Getting her into an intense emotional state will have her experiencing massively stronger orgasms.
My favorite thing to do is get her a little angry with me.
This puts her in a perfect situation to get all of her pent up frustrations out.