Internet Marketing Business Essentials - 5 Things You Can Do To Promote Your Business On Facebook
Why Facebook With over 500 million active members, and more page views per month in North America than Google, is it any wonder that Internet Marketers are rushing to Facebook to build their Internet Marketing Businesses? 5 Ways To Promote Your Internet Marketing Business on Facebook Without delving into Facebook Ads, which is a paid service, there are numerous ways to promote your Internet Marketing Business on Facebook; let's explore five ways anyone can get started.
Personal Profile: There are arguments both ways whether you should promote your business on your personal profile, and even if you are of the opinioni you shouldn't, Facebook doesn't stop you having multiple profiles, so you could have a two profiles - one for business, one for real personal activities.
A Personal Profile allows you to interact with other people's Fan Pages and Groups as a member, which can help brand yourself and attract new fans to your profile, and subsequently your own Fan Page and Groups.
Fan Pages: Setting up your own Fan Page allows you to brand yourself, or your business, making it very easy for people to find you, follow you, and interact with you.
Fan Pages allow custom tabs you can't have on a personal profile - FBML for example (soon to become iFrames) allows you to create landing and opt-in pages.
Groups: Whereas Fan Pages allow you to post updates that will show in your fans' wall feeds only, FacebookGroups offer you the ability to 'bulk email' everyone in the group, which can be handy as feed-only updates can easily get lost with the torrent of other updates most people get on a daily basis.
Events: Launching a product? A new Blog? Posting a new promotional video on your Facebook page?Whatever it is you are doing, you can create an event for it on Facebook and sent it out to all your friends, fans, and group members.
You can even get creative updating the dates of the event on a daily basis to keep your event at the top of people's event list each day.
Participation: For all of the options above, the key ingredient of Social Media Marketing to build your Internet Marketing Business, is participation.
People want to be social naturally, and social media gives them the opportunity to be as social as possible online.
If you want to grow your business, you need to follow the trend and participate with your fans and friends.
Post status updates regularly, about life in general, as well as your business.
Help your prospects get to know you, like you, and hopefully trust you.
Network your blog to your profile, add in your Twitter updates so that Facebook is constantly fed content, and most important of all - get on your profile, in your groups, and interact with people.
Ask questions, give answers, have general conversations publicly so people can see you are real, and that you care.