The Best Ab Workouts For Men and Women, As Nature Intended
It generally requires us to perform a constant activity to lift and keep our heart rate at a certain level for a period of time.
But those who have been working out for a period of time will tell you that if you won't vary your workouts, you are going to eventually hit a plateau, and you can begin to revert in your progress when your body adjusts to the level of stress.
But an even bigger factor to avoid this type of activity is that we aren't actually created to perform this way.
Take nature for instance.
No animal ever goes for a jog.
The most an animal does is walk from one spot to another, with the occasional sprint at top speed mixed in.
Their body is ideal for "fight or flight" type movements to facilitate survival.
They aren't made to maintain a steady pace for longer time periods.
If you watch tiger cubs have fun with each other, they will exert high amounts of energy while they chase and tackle one another, but with regular rest periods.
And I am yet to find a wild animal that is overweight.
Humans aren't any different in design, but different in habits.
We do nothing for some time, and then try to get into shape with aerobic exercises because that is what our health system is telling us.
What we aren't told about cardio is that recent studies have shown that physical variability is a crucial aspect of training if we're to improve.
But it is much more serious than this.
It has been scientifically acknowledged that excessive steady state endurance (typical cardio workout) causes one's body to increase its production of free-radicals.
This increases the risk of developing many different types of cancers, among these being prostate and breast cancer.
Excessive prolonged activity also reduces your immune function, it degenerates your joints, and causes muscle waste.
Alternatively, if we were to partake in highly variable cyclic training (short bursts of exertion, accompanied by a period of recovery), we would see the body increase its manufacture of anti-oxidants, have a more effective nitric oxide response, meaning a healthier heart, and an increase in the metabolism, which is necessary for weight reduction.
Also, a cardio workout only trains your heart at one specific pulse rate, whereas a highly variable cyclic workout teaches your heart to respond to and recover quickly from a variety of demands, ensuring it doesn't fail when you need it.
But besides all the technical discussion on the benefits of highly variable cyclic training, you need only compare the sickly, starved look of the marathon runner with the chiseled physique of the sprinter to know which you would prefer to look like.
Therefore, not only will a program incorporating the best ab workouts for men and women help you obtain the highly desired chiseled and powerful looking body, it will also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and steer clear of the degenerative effects of running a treadmill for countless hours.
Humans may be the advanced race, but our fit and lean animal cousins can teach us a thing or two when it comes to survival.