How To Build A Targeted Email List For You Home Business
you quit trying to "sell" and just "recommend" instead.
The easiest way to do this is to build a targeted list of
hungry buyers who want what you have to offer. Building
a TARGETED email list is easy once you apply the
technique covered in this article.
If you have heard it once you have heard it a thousand
times..."You need to build an email list", "the real money
is in the list"...
And I can tell you from experience...this so very true.
Building a targeted email list of prospects who are interested
in what you have to offer is the most important thing your
website can do for you.
The best way to do this is to use a "squeeze page".
For those of you who have never heard that term, let me
explain what a squeeze page is.
A squeeze page is a page that you send people to that
has no other option other than to give their name and
email address in order to recieve a newsletter, free
info, or whatever "bribe" is being offered. Here are
examples of two different types of squeeze pages, long
form and short form.
Here is an example of a longer squeeze page [].
Here's an example of a squeeze page with the short style.
For this to work most effectively, the page should be
designed around whatever it is you are offering. For
instance, you wouldn't offer recipes on how to cook a pot
roast, if your site is all about vegetarian recipes...
It just wouldn't make sense offer vegetarians a pot roast
recipe...You get the idea...
Now maybe you are thinking, "But maybe I am loosing a
customer/sale if they can't actually get to my site without
filling out that form!"
And yes, on the rare occasion that may be true.
You will get a more targeted and qualified prospect.
If the person took the time to signup for your offer, to
find out more...they are much more likely to buy from you
in the long run. will benefit much more from a prospect who joins
your email list because you will have several opportunities
to convince them that what you are offering will meet THEIR
You will also have the opportunity to share other products, resources, or services in the future with them and thus make
backend sales.
Now, for example, if you are using Adwords to bring people
to your site, you may be paying.50 cents for a click.
Wouldn't you rather pay that money if you have a chance to
get that person on your mailing list and be able to possibly
sell that person not just once, but maybe over and over again?
I bet you would.
Remember, our goal is not only to make more sales, but to
do so working smarter not harder...
Which simply means MORE MONEY in LESS TIME. Who
doesn't want that?
If you apply this technique to build a targeted email list,
then making money online will seem a breeze.