Beekeeping History - 4 Interesting Facts For Bee Lovers

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Bee keeping dates back to the 13th century BC when it was practiced by ancient Egyptians.
Once it was introduced by John Harbison to the United States, it became more modernized with updated techniques and became the main profession and financial sustenance for beekeepers.
There are other by products that are derived from honey which is propolis and royal jelly which are used for medicinal purposes.
Not much has changed since ancient times in the use of products derived from beehives.
Different varieties of bees brought into the US Bees of different species were brought from various countries like New Zealand and Europe.
This was more of a hobby for those who lived on farms than a main means of earning their keep.
Farming was the main occupation and beekeeping was just a side hobby that was followed by the relatives of the farmers, who had access to space on the farm and found it easy to keep bees.
This hobby then was passed from generation to generation.
From honey and bee wax the bee hive changed with science In early days, bees were maintained just for their honey and for the bee's wax that they produced for their hives, and which was used for making candles and various other products.
Later L.
Langstroth an American scientist brought more scientific methods into bee keeping and brought into practice the beehive frame that was removable.
Later it was found that bees could be influenced into building their own frames that were straight by giving them some wax as a foundation.
The bees would then make use of this foundation and build their own honey comb with holes that were octagonal in shape to keep their larvae in until they had developed enough and hatched.
The methods for beekeeping kept getting more and more developed and a helpful and practical invention was the smoker, which assisted the beekeepers as a safety device.
The art of beekeeping For any successful beekeeper, this art should be second nature to them and they should know all that there is about bee keeping.
It is always easier for those who are born into beekeeping families to work on such projects as this has been their life from the time they were born.
With beekeeping being the family business the new generation will have no problem in picking up the strings as easily as it would be to learn how to walk and talk! 4.
Apiculturists are agriculturists who are bee keepers Bee keepers are agriculturists of sorts as their profession is closely related to the farmer's profession, who breed cows and grow food side by side on the same farm.
The same way, many farmers have bee keeping as an additional source of income and a hobby for the others in the family to carry on some trade and earn some extra money.
Of course bee keeping is also a full time profession for some.
The Department of agriculture refers to bee keepers as apiculturists.
Beekeepers who know about entomology and biology are more successful in their bee keeping business and can advice those who are in need of some more know how on bee keeping.
They can help many a bee keeper with their knowledge and if they pass it on to other apiculturists they will be helping them with their business too.
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