Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back - No Hype Just The Truth
If the only time you feel any joy is when you have a glimmer of hope that you can get him back or when you hear his voice then you need to get him back.
If the only time you smile these days is when you see his face then you owe it to yourself to at least try to get him back.
It can be difficult though.
You might not always feel so positive and optimistic about your chances of getting him back.
There might be times when you feel that he's not even the same guy that you fell in love with and if you have been trying to get him back on your own then there is a very good chance that he might have even broken off communication with you at this point.
And what do you spend most of your time doing? Do you look pretty sad most of the time? Have you lost all interest in eating right or maybe you aren't even eating at all.
Do you spend a lot of time crying and does the breakup occupy your mind all the time these days? Is it hard for you to be happy about anything? Do you avoid hanging out with friends? The honest truth is that before you will ever be able to get your ex back you are going to have to pull yourself out of this.
I am not saying that you need to move on or get over your ex.
I am not saying that at all.
What I am saying is that you need to get your confidence back and live in not just the hope but the assurance that you can and will get your ex back.
Simply put, sad, depressed people are not attractive.
If your ex stopped by to see you while you were in the middle of a crying jag it would not help you get him back at all.
Have you ever found yourself truly attracted to someone that was sad, upset and emotional? The best that you can hope for in your present state is some sympathy or pity and you don't want him back under those circumstances, do you? Don't agree with me...
you don't want him to take you back under those circumstances because once the pity wears off he will dump you again.
So what can you do to pull yourself together? What will give you the confidence that you need to get your ex boyfriend back? Do whatever you have to do but most women found that having a plan that they believe in that has been proven to work can be the difference between moving forward and sitting around the house eating chocolate chip cookie dough with a fork while watching chick flicks and sobbing uncontrollably.
Whatever you have to do, realize that while crying and feeling sorry for yourself can be a necessary part of going through a breakup you don't have to give up and accept this breakup as a fact.
You can get your ex boyfriend back and the first step is regaining your confidence and living in the assurance that you can get your ex boyfriend back.
Women do it every day...
what makes you think that you can't get your ex boyfriend back?