Was I Born Unlucky or Is Luck an Attitude of Mind?

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Some people feel certain that they were born unlucky, they never catch a break.
Their health is problematical, their relationships struggle, however hard they work they never seem to have any money, success or luck.
These people may well feel that they were born unlucky, that karma from a previous life is influencing their challenges and ruining any chance of happiness they may ever hope to have.
Then there are people who seem to land on their feet, whatever situation they find themselves in.
They appear to live a charmed existence, everything they do turns to gold, success, good fortune.
Let's not forget the people who were born with serious handicap, physical, financial, educational, mental difficulties and yet achieve fantastic goals and others who would appear to have been born with everything, good looks, fortune, intelligence and yet have a disastrous life.
There are times when some of us are prompted to ask, 'Was I born unlucky or is luck an attitude of mind?' Some people are certain that luck is an attitude of mind, that the way they think, feel, behave attracts either good or bad luck their way.
Whilst it is reasonable to say that some people are more positive and opportunistic than others, react to bad news and setbacks better than others it is also reasonable to say that whilst we're not all born with the same circumstances and good fortune, there are certain factors that can help us manage situations in a more positive way.
Let's consider some ways to enhance the areas in life that can be influenced and minimise the potential for bad luck.
If luck is an attitude of mind, let's look at ways to improve our chances of ensuring that we have good luck.
- Perspective is an important factor in how we deal with misfortune and setbacks.
Some people may simply shrug their shoulders and say 'that's life'.
Other people may become devastated and inconsolable when things go wrong or not to plan.
These people may feel that nothing good ever happens to them, that they constantly attract bad luck.
They become so focussed on every omission, rejection, hurt that they fail to notice the many good things that happen to them everyday.
- Opportunities to learn new skills, interact with others, ask advice, think outside the box come from bad luck, tough cases, mistakes.
Many people say that their bad luck brought them some of the best lessons they ever learned, the lessons they never forgot.
It resulted in them learning some important, lucky lessons.
Redundancy is one example of a devastating, life changing experience that often propels people in a new direction, one they are often later thankful for.
- Rejection should not be taken personally or regarded as unlucky.
If we decline a waiter's recommendation in a restaurant we don't expect him to burst into tears, and yet many of us become distressed or offended if our ideas or suggestions are rejected.
Often it is the ideas that are being rejected and not a personal affront.
Becoming stronger and better able to cope is an important life skill.
Hypnotherapy can support us to become more resilient, treat these situations more philosophically, then learn and improve from setbacks.
- Ensure there are some areas in life that give us good feedback.
If work is a challenge and feels constantly unlucky then we can ensure that we have hobbies, interests, activities that give us plenty of positive recognition.
We can feel that we attract bad luck if we are constantly unhappy and negative about our life.
By ensuring that some areas provide praise, recognition, acclaim, we can learn to undo the bad luck mindset.
- Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
By having friends, interests and investments in a few different areas we diversify, spread the load and maximise our potential for success into several areas.
That way, if one area doesn't work out too well or causes problems we can move on or reduce its impact by focussing on other, more positive areas.
By supporting ourselves and taking control we can ensure that we have areas in our life that provide balance, hope and a sense of optimism.
Then bad luck becomes less noticeable, is dealt with speedily and its impact minimised.
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