Distributed Development - Basis For Success
Team members communicate using different tools and therefore form a virtual team.
In Information technologies industry distributed development brings multiple benefits.
First, this helps companies to optimize their development costs, while raising productivity.
Effective work of the virtual team shortens delivery times and allows to achieve the highest product quality.
Companies are motivated to apply distributed development for several reasons.
First of all, virtual team model provides access to specific skills which may be located all over the world.
Second, the working process can run round-the-clock.
And of course, shifting some activities to offshore/nearshore zones allows to cut costs significantly.
There are certain factors to remember of when implementing distributed development approach.
Although the team members may collaborate intensively having never met each other face-to-face, the communication must be flawless.
The process must be flexibly corresponding to changes.
Highest level of security must be achieved, and both intermediate and end results must meet the highest quality standards.
Certain instruments can facilitate the distributed development process, - they include communication, knowledge sharing, deployment tools.
To increase the productivity of virtual team, regular team meetings should be held - preferably with video conferencing.
As the success of the whole team bases on individual skills and efforts, it is inevitable to perform individual meetings and development interviews as well, and to organize team building activities.
This will make people feel connected thus creating strong team culture among people distributed worldwide.