Australian Immigration Updated News Free Information
The information flow has been really smooth and updates being made available by DIAC also point out at level of transparency being implied in present system. New framework comprehensively brings together of all forms of migration within its folds and strives to address each component of Australian Immigrationcomprehensively. We can tem this as one credible system that has competently addressed all concerns and arguments of the component stakeholders of the economy of Australia.
Every bit of the migration stream and route has been duly taken care of and the process has been designed with clinical precision that leave hardly any room for errors and omissions. Right from the federal independent stream to provincial and employer nomination and from permanent to provisional in skills and business migration schemes, operations have been flawless and authorities have been able to find time to meticulously update and include other more attractive schemes within the perimeter of current set-up for e.g. a significant investor scheme was integrated into temporary business innovation and investment scheme without making and affecting any major modifications in basic set-up and definitions of program. This segment is served by subclass 188 temporary classification.
Most encouraging Australian Immigration Updated News is about the minimum cut-off or threshold mark being picked by authorities for selection and for advising to proceed to final phase of filing for residential permit. As per the figures pertaining to the selection trends all through the subsequent short listing rounds till 17 December 2012 majority of the profiles or EOI short listed for final phase of migration process have scored 60 marks in the point analysis (this pertains to selection of profiles for federal independent permanent class 189 which is supposed to be the most popular segment of Australia migration) i.e. almost 90% of the 8390 people advised to proceed to the next stage of the migration process have score 60 marks in mark based profile analysis.
Although, this figure cannot be exactly linked to each specific trade listed in SOL referenced in the EOI (selection of EOI is influenced by competitive list of EOIs filed for each specific trade and the EOI with higher scores in preferred over low scoring EOIs), the trend does indicate one thing that race for Australian Immigration is all open and people stand a good chance of being invited to the final stage of process which is intended to be completed in a year or so after the acceptance of completed second set of application.
The Australian Immigration Updated News for the people opting for the provincial nomination is equally stimulating as the different provinces have been consistently choosing profiles for endorsements under permanent class 190. Till the results as provided for 17th December 2012 a total of 3246 people have been short listed for nomination and these people have been advised to go ahead with the filing for second phase of formalities i.e. supplying evidence of their claims made in EOIs.