Build a Perfect Body, and a Strong Core With the Deadlift
The deadlift anymore has a nasty reputation, with back injuries caused by improper lifting and doctors who have never spent a minute in a gym bad mouthing the exercise.
It's easy to understand why so many people avoid one of the most effective lifting techniques to help build a perfect body ever conceived.
The deadlift is an incredible tool that when use properly can help you build a perfect body.
It is a compound exercise that stresses several muscle groups at the same time making it perfect for both muscle building programs and fat loss .
Compound exercise that focus on large muscle groups are the best way to build a perfect body because the stress of large muscles releases more natural HGH and testosterone.
Thats why so many of the biggest people you see use the deadlift it allows you to move a lot of weight and stress a ton of muscle causing huge gains in a very short amount of time.
Proper technique for the deadlift is critical.
Keep the shoulder parallel at the bottom.
Having your shoulders behind the bar can throw of movements from the start.
Make sure bar is in contact with the leg to the top.
Eyes forward, head up, keep those shoulders back as you press your knees back and lift your chest.
This will help avoid back injuries.
The bar moves straight up and down.
You want to get full extension at the top.
Be cautious here, we don't want to lean back.
This can cause excess pressure on the low back.
I don't want people injured here.
Now on the decent is no place to get lazy.
What you want to do is push your butt out, just like with squats, chest forward and eyes up.
This will help keep the back straight.
Slowly lower the bar keeping your shoulders over the top, bar against your legs and repeat.
Its critical that we stress form here because we are trying to build a perfect body, not wreck the one you have.
You have to be careful not to get your hips extended to far behind causing you to put excess pressure on the low back.
You can avoid this common fault by making sure that you lift the chest at the same time as you push through the hips.
Everything will move up in one motion.
4 key things to remember when doing the deadlift? 1) Nice straight back through the lift 2) Head up, looking a head at all times 3) Shoulders pulled back and over the bar.
4) Push through the heels.
The most common mistake is not keeping a straight back.
This means your trying to show off by going to heavy or your technique is wrong.
Lower the weight and practice, practice, practice.
The second most common mistake is letting the bar come to far forward out of position.
This causes a forward lean, taking away power and risking injury.
Keep that bar close to your legs before you even lift.