Beaded Basics - Ten Must Have Tools For Beading & Sewing
The following list of tools will tell you just what you need to have, and why.
Thread Burner.
Initially, this was first made to help in designing and sculpting wax molds.
However, over the years, beaders have found many uses for it.
The tiny heated tip enables cleaning of trimming thread that is close to beadwork.
Embroidery Scissors.
You would be surprised, but a very sharp pair of embroidery scissors can be quite an effective tool when it comes to beading.
They can be used for getting into tight spots for beads, and also for cutting thread.
Beading Needles.
This really should be a no-brainer.
Most people may prefer to use the English beading needles that are long, but they're not as easy to maneuver as the shorter needles are.
Fiskar Kitchen Scissors.
I know you might be confused after reading this one.
However, it really is possible for these to be used for crafts.
You can cut felt, plastic, yarn, and braided beading thread.
Alright, so this isn't necessarily a "tool" you can purchase in a store since you already have it, I know.
However, you can bend, adjust, and smooth wire with it.
Being able to feel thread while putting it through needles is another benefit.
Flush Cutters.
These have flat and pointy jaws on one side, with V-shaped jaws on the other.
When you're looking to produce something of professional and excellent quality, wires that have been cut with flush cutters look much nicer than wires cut with other cutting tools.
Wire Cutters.
It's always good to have a pair of these that are used only for cutting beading wire that is flexible.
You can either use one of your old pairs of flush cutters that you don't use often, or buy new cutters that are specifically made for cutting steel and metal.
Crimping Pliers.
If you're looking to crimp your beads the proper way, this is a definite must-have.
These have two notches on their jaws.
One shapes the crimping tube, while the other collapses it.
Using one of these closes a crimped tube properly and looks much better than a tube that has been merely squeezed clothes by using your fingers.
Chain-Nosed Pliers.
These are a favorite of most beaders.
They can be used for opening loops, bending wire, and more.
These have smooth and flat jaws that come to a point.
There are many different types of these on the market 10.
Rounded-Nosed Pliers.
Alright, so even though these have one main use, they still achieve professional looking results for half the price.
They bend hoops.
These pliers have smooth cylinder-like jaws that come to a point.
You can make all sorts of fun loop sizes with this just by moving the place on the jaws while you're beading.