Best Beginner RC Plane
The first and foremost thing that you will want to consider is your experience level when it comes to RC products.
Most peoples first instinct will be to buy a flashy model with plenty of visual appeal.
This is usually not the best idea for beginners.
RC planes are very different from RC cars because they are not as easy to control and the possibility of crashing is greatly increased.
The second thing that you are going to want to consider when choosing your RC is repairable and parts availability.
With the increased risk of crashing it will be very important to have a model that you will be able to easily and affordable repair.
Being able to replace your own parts will not only save you some heart-ache later, but will provide you will a sense of self accomplishment when you do have to repair your model.
A final thing to consider when deciding what makes the best beginner plane is the presence of a flight simulator.
Having a solid training guide to accompany your new RC plane will put you one step a head and one step closer to the hours of entertainment you are looking forward to.
As with anything in life, doing your proper research will help you make the right decision.
Do not be afraid to compare the different models before you decide on your "one".