Is The 7 Minute Workout From Joel Therien Worth It?
As it does so, an increasing number of sponsors are pushing it dramatically, saying that it is a great business scheme.
However, some consumers and business managers are wondering if this workout plan is truly genuine or if it is a simple technique to fool people into spending their money uselessly.
The 7 Minute Workout was begun under the leadership of two individuals.
These are Joel Therien, an experienced business strategist, and Chris Reid.
Recently, Joel Therien began Global Virtual Opportunities.
The 7 Minute Workout is an exercise regime which claims major results with a minimum amount of time and effort.
In fact, the creators state that an individual can get an entire body workout and burn fat by simply following the program on three days each week.
Each workout sessions takes just seven minutes to accomplish.
While this may sound like a hoax to some, there are some testimonials from real consumers who have participated in the programs.
These testimonies give credence to the drastic claims.
The workout has to be intense to get such great results for such a small investment of time.
Therien certainly has credentials to back up his claims as well since he has received a degree in the study of physiology and has also worked with natural bodybuilding in his past.
The strategic introduction of this program to the United States was particularly well thought through.
Americans are especially drawn to ideas that allow them to make big results with a minimal amount of time devotion.
Since Americans have persistently busy work and home schedules, this sort of program would appear to be a great advantage to their workouts.
The 7 Minute Workout is being pushed as an MLM, which is a multi-level marketing scheme.
In this sort of business relationship, upper management individuals depend greatly on their business recruits to bring them an extra source of commission.
Not only is the individual being paid based on his own work, but he also gets paid based on the number of referrals he has working beneath him.
An example of a fitness program that has successfully mastered this technique is the beach body program.
There is only a small amount of information available on the 7 Minute Workout at this time since the business is in its beginning stages.
The company is coming out with a video that will more fully detail the marketing strategies.
The company hopes to become more widespread as people get the word out through friends and also web-based social networks.
It is assumed that the person who buys into this MLM company will be functioning more as a fitness consultant than as anything else.
It is difficult to make a judgment call yet as to whether or not this seems like a business ploy or a way to scam the customers.
As more information is released from the 7 Minute Workout founders, it will become easier to determine this.
However, since the company is marketing itself to busy people who have virtually no time for exercise, its success is looking rather promising.
Also, other MLM fitness companies have been successful in the past several years.
The largest determinant of the success of this sort of company is not the worth of the product but rather is the marketing of it.
With a good marketing department to head this up, the 7 Minute Workout will have a superb chance at success.
Also, the more outreach that is done for it online will help cement its progress and success.