4 Air Conditioning Tips
1. Qualified Installation - With any quote to do with your home, you should always make sure the company is qualified. And don't just take the companies word for it! Ask to see certificates and references to ensure that the people that will be working inside your home are qualified, licensed and dependable. Also, make sure they have insurance in case they damage something within your home.
2. Anti Corrosion On Compressor - All air conditioning systems should come with some degree of anti corrosion on them. This is vital as your compressor will spend it's whole life outside exposed to the elements such as rain, hail and sun shine. Ensure the unit contains a rust inhibitor and comes with guarantees relating to this.
3. Is The System Commissioned Upon Completion - Like most mechanical things, air conditioning needs fine tuning upon completion to ensure maximum comfort is achieved. Ask your contractor to make sure that once they finish an installation, they will go around and commission the system to fine tune any problems or issues.
4. What About The Waste - Air conditioners often come with large packaging such as boxes which makes it hard for the homeowner to remove this waste in their normal bin. Your quotation should include a provision by the air conditioning contractor to remove all waste from your home upon completion of your air conditioning system.
If you make sure these 4 tips are included in your quotation, you will be well on your way to getting a reliable air conditioning system.