Checkmate - Chapter VII
The agency received unlimited sanctions allowing access to the passenger listings for all departing flights; from those logs he was able to follow the flight of Chanarong Montri and Veronica Bartola to Vancouver and from there they boarded a connecting flight to Brisbane.
Kim and Shai were still unaccountable; the passenger listings did not reveal their names and the video surveillance from the terminal would not be available for another 24 hours.
He spoke with the Federal Security Agent and it was decided to follow the known trail of Chanarong.
He wasted no time arranging his travel plans to Brisbane.
Before departing he left several messages for Kayn but had not heard back.
Working with Kayn for over ten years, he had great regard for the man; yet there was a side of him that disturbed Martin; on several occasion when Kayn though that he was not in the focus of others he became uneasy and troubled.
All security scans had been done on Kayn returning only an impeccable history, yet Martin could not help but think that Kayn had many stones unturned.
Not at all interested in the movie, Martin looked through the window of the plane at the beauty of the sunset now engulfing the sky.
He had not been in Australia for years and did not look forward to returning.
His last assignment involved a lot of bush walking away from the groomed tourist venues; he encountered snakes and spiders in sizes that should have stayed locked away in his nightmares.
The only request made to assistant in preparing his bag was to ensure that his hiking boots were packed.
Looking out the window he thought how kind it would be if this trail was contained to the wonderful beaches and tourist huts.
___________________ Chanarong lay in the hammock waiting for the sunset and listening only to the serene rolling tide.
Veronica was not expected back until the following day, she had taken a boat back to the mainland to do some shopping.
Since arriving on the Island he had spent most of his time walking along the beaches meeting the other guests and staff, with still no sign of Kim.
The beaches surrounding the Island were open except for the western coast line.
Chanarong swam past the barriers and then turned back towards the beach.
As soon as he arrived on the secluded beach uniformed guards were waiting for him; very kind but having no interest in Chanarong's questions, only ordering him to return to the other side of the barricades.
He would return to the west beaches, but travelling across the interior.
The silence of the evening was defining; he had not heard Kim coming from behind the Hut towards the hammock.
"Hello Chanarong, I was wondering how long it would take you to find me.
" Chanarong rose from the hammock and reached out to greet Kim.
"Hello Kim, it is so good to see you.
How did you know I was on the Island?" "Your swim today caught the attention of security and when I asked the guard to describe the swimmer, their description was so accurate, it could have only been you.
" "Kim, I am here for your family.
They have not heard from you and are very worried.
" "I think it is safer that they not know where I am; I have been given several names of those looking for me and I don't want them harmed in any way.
" "Kim, they are safe.
We have moved them out of the Province; they are in a secured location.
Did you know that you have been accused of taking One Hundred & Fifty Million Yuan from the Country.
I'm sure you saw the AOC Agents sitting outside your apartment building.
You certainly cannot think that you can hide from them.
" "Chanarong, I can explain everything.
I only took money that belonged to my family.
I did not steal anything belonging to the State.
All I want to do is return to my family.
" "Well Kim for now that is not a possibility.
I am sure your picture remains posted across International Security Agencies, I know that the UK, Canada, the US and Germany have opened files trying to trace the money through laundering filters.
If you want to clear your family from this you cannot run from me any further, you have to tell me all the facts; you cannot hold back anything.
" "Okay Chanarong, you have my word.
" "How long will you and - sorry what is your friend's name?" "Shai.
" "How long will you and Shai be staying on the Island?" "We are registered for another four days, but I am getting nervous, so I think we will start packing tomorrow and move on.
" "Good, I was talking with Mr.
Garrison, the Manager at our Hotel and he has told me that he overheard a conversation with the Federal Agents and their Supervisor, who is now on his way to Brisbane; so I agree, this is a very good time to be leaving.
" "I have a boat docked in Fremantle.
Meet me there tomorrow.
This time of year it is full of locals and tourists travelling from Perth, we can stay on the boat.
Do you remember Veronica Bartola? She is travelling with me; she will be very happy to hear that we have spoken.
Now go back to your hut and try and relax; we will start to work on this tomorrow.
" Exchanging a brief embrace Kim turned and walked behind the hut into the dense vegetation.
Chanarong quickly dressed, packed up all their bags and walked to the landing harbor where he would wait until morning; wanting to make sure that Kim did not have any further ideas of running and was still there in the morning.
He was resting at the pool side bar when he noticed the lights from an oncoming charter docking at the harbor.
Chanarong stood and walked over to the canopy covered inlet so he could remain in the shadows.
Staff from the resort waited on the deck for the party to arrive.
The party consisted of four individuals; as they walked up the dock, their faces remained muted in the darkness with the only conversation coming from the staff.
Their physical stature indicated that they were all male and Chanarong sensed that this was not a family reunion.
They were given directions to their huts, at the north end of the Island and asked to wait until the beach-bug arrived which would drive them.
Only when the lights from the beach-bug shone onto the deck did Chanarong see that the party was indeed AOC Agents, who he recognized from the Street outside Kim's apartment.
They all took their seats on the beach-bug and Chanarong waited until the vehicle had turned and was travelling down the beach before he headed out towards the west side of the Island.
Kim & Shai were packing when Chanarong got to their hut.
Somewhat startled Shai stood behind Kim when Chanarong entered.
"You must be Shai, Kim has been so very kind speaking of you.
" "Kim was just telling me of your meeting; I must say that I am happy that you are here.
" "Yes so am I.
Kim, your instincts for moving on have triggered none too soon.
I just saw the AOC Agents arrive at the harbor.
They have a hut on the north end of the Island and I don't think they are here to relax.
Let's get everything packed and we will wait at the docking harbor.
I have spoken with Veronica and she is making arrangements to charter a helicopter from Brisbane in the morning to pick us up.
She has already made our flight arrangements to Perth; we are travelling under her stage name of Altola.
" The helicopter was on time and they left the Island for Brisbane at 5:30 a.
Their flight to Perth left on time at 9:00 a.
; just as the Quantas Flight from Vancouver was arriving carrying Agent Martin Graham.
___________________ Martin cleared customs and was met by Stephen Forbes of the Australian Secret Intelligence Agency.
An arrangement to transfer all pertinent security information to ASIA was done by the home office.
They went to a security station within the terminal where they reviewed tapes for the past 72 hours.
Martin identified Chanarong and his travel companion, Veronica.
Stephen Forbes pointed out the arrival yesterday of the AOC Agents; their travel itinerary was laid out that they carried onto Bar Cove, an Island just off the western shore.
Martin again failed to identify Kim and his partner Shai.
They agreed that they would charter a helicopter at the adjacent terminal and go over to Bar Cove.
Martin and Stephen arrived on the Island, and without an invitation, did not get a cordial welcome.
They were told to wait at the bar for the Owners to return from the mainland.
Martin looked around at the dense vegetation and preferred to wait along the dock; where within 15 minutes he was soaking wet with perspiration.
The Owners did not return to the Island for another two hours.
Introductions were made, security shields were volunteered, but without a court order no records of their guests would be released.
Stephen immediately contacted his office to get the necessary orders delivered to the Island.
Martin remembered the noble dressing-down he and his Agents received from Mr.
Garrison, and thought these people might be related, or at the least, they attended the same Hotel Management classes.
Martin took the opportunity of changing his cloths and putting on his hiking boots.
When he came out from the cabana, sitting at one of the beach front tables were the familiar faces of the AOC Agents.
He quickly found his hat and sunglasses, stowed his bag behind the bar counter, took a seat under the umbrella and grabbed a magazine off the counter.
He watched the arrival of their breakfast and for the time being their attention was only on their food.
Two uniformed security guards for the resort had gathered at the other end of the bar; it seemed that the arrival of the four overnight guests had caught everyone's attention.
They scanned the area noticing Martin, who appeared immersed in his magazine so they carried on their conversation asking if the other knew of the departure of two of their guest early this morning.
Both unclear whether this was a checkout or a day trip they would wait for instructions from the office.
After they finished their breakfast the AOC Agents booked a tour boat which would travel around the Island; Martin in turn reserved the beach-bug for his travel.
The tour around the Island lasted about one hour; as Martin watched from the beach-bug, the group seemed most interested in the secluded shores along the western shore.
When he returned to the main dock, Stephen was waving him over; the court order had arrived.
Looking through the reservations confirmed, as expected, that Chanarong Montri and Veronica Bartola were guests on the Island, but none of the other guests registered gave clues to the whereabouts of Kim and Shai.
Martin was interested in finding out about the guests registered on the private beach at the west end, a Juan & Ky Bao from Malaysia.
The only records show this was their second trip to the Island, arranging for their own supplies and remain secluded during their stay; generous with the staff and only pay in cash.
Indications are that this is a couple who can afford to maintain their privacy and enjoy the Island; so why are the AOC Agents interested with that end of the Island.
From behind them the security officers called out reporting that the silent alarms to the western beach huts were going off so they were on their way over there.
Martin requested that he and Stephen be allowed to accompany the officers, not in their official capacity, but only as back up support if necessary.
They had never had a security problem on the Island so the Owners were grateful for their assistance.
Martin could only express his extreme appreciation, as they travelling in the land rover, over the unmarked trails.
Arriving along the western beach all appeared quiet, except for the motor boat floating in the tide off the shore.
The security guards did not know anything about the boat.
Martin and Stephen lingered behind as the two officers walked up to the Hut.
The door had been removed from the hinges, which would have triggered the alarms; as they entered all the furniture was turned over, cushions tossed about, drawers pulled out.
All the remaining supplies in the Hut were left for garbage on the floor; they called Martin and Stephen up to the Hut.
Stephen stayed behind; he remained on the phone with his office arranging for the main Island shore patrol to impound the motor boat.
Martin looked around the Hut.
It was completely abandoned of personal articles; nothing giving evidence that Juan & Ky Bao were in the Hut.
Martin asked the officers who were the guests that left the Island this morning.
Neither of them had been on duty at the time, but the log confirmed that the booking for the helicopter flight plan was in the name of Chanarong Motri.
Martin asked Stephen to arrange for his team to travel to the Island to see if they could lift any prints.
"In the mean time, may I suggest that the office start looking for their guests.
" Martin and Stephen returned to the beach where they watched the shore patrol towing the motor boat away.
__________________________ Neither Kim nor Shai ever imagined that when Chanarong said he had a boat, that it would be a 200 foot motorized yacht.
A good friend from the United States had always bequeathed his toys to Chanarong.
Travelling to Australia earlier this year, he had carried onto South America, where he would be for another few months, so the boat and staff was left for Chanarong's pleasure.
"The ship is equipped with satellite, but under the circumstances I have instructed the Captain to disengage the connection, no sense going to this trouble of finding this seclusion and then being located from satellite signals.
" Walking along the lower corridor Kim and Shai were like children opening all the doors to the bedrooms, finally selecting the bedroom closest to the stairs.
Chanarong and Veronica randomly selected the bedroom across the walkway.
"Kim I am going to instruct the Captain to leave the harbor and travel along the coastline up to Broome.
I think it best if we just stay away from docking at any of the harbors for the next little while.
" "Sounds good to me.
" "That will give us time to work on this problem of yours.
" Kim returned to the cabin and found that Shai was asleep on the bed.