The Best Places To Learn Internet Marketing For Free
There's enough free information on the internet, which is why I love the net so much, that you can learn and understand the basic concepts of internet marketing without spending a dime. You just need to know where to look.
Article Sites
The best places to look for this information is where people are actually internet marketing. If you want to read, the best place to look is You might actually be reading this article on there now.
There's a plethora of information on this site. The articles are all free and offer so much information that between a few different authors you can get as much as you could from buying someone's course on internet marketing.
The site has a group of editors so absolutely no spam gets on the directory unlike some other sites where lots gibberish articles full of keywords and no coherent sentences make it on. You can either search on google and come up with articles from or you can search the sites many different topics.
There are also many more article directories like ArticleBase, IdeaMarketers, GoArticles, just to name a few. All of these sites are going to have articles on internet marketing.
Video Instruction
One of the other great places that has taken off like a rocket is YouTube. There's so many videos on any topic you'd like to learn about. There's videos on article marketing, squeeze pages, products, affiliate sites,traffic...the list just goes on and on.
Of course just like the article sites the videos on YouTube are free. Also there are other video submission sites like Google Videos, YouTube is just the biggest.
What's good about video sites is that the videos will help you out if your a visual learner. The videos will have aids like actual screen shots and powerpoint presentations. These can walk you through site setup and other things step by step.
Internet Marketers
Another great place to learn internet marketing is from marketer's programs. There are so many marketers that give away e-books and other great learning material for free, just for joining their list.
I've amassed quite a good sized library of these e-books myself. They aren't the one stop fix most marketers claim them to be, but they are definitely a great help. Of course they come from people actually marketing so you know the information is good. Usually the follow-up emails are helpful too.
So don't bother paying for material you can get free online. That's what's great about the internet, there's so much information that you can find anything you want to know, and never have to pay anything.