7 Reasons to Use Bodybuilding to Get in Shape

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If you're out of shape right now, regardless of your age, bodybuilding could really help you to turn your entire life around, and fast.
I should say right up front that if you're in any doubt, get clearance from your doctor before you start any new type of vigorous exercise.
Let's assume that you're been give the go ahead from your doctor; Here is a list of some of the many huge benefits of using muscle building to get in shape; 1/ Speed of results - if you train hard twice a week, for not much more than an hour each workout, you can make improvements in your body so fast that it will astonish you.
This applies even more if you're totally new to weight training.
In a few short months you could see a new reflection in the mirror looking back at you.
Bodybuilding allows you to make these changes much faster than most other forms of exercise.
2/ Increased Confidence - once that you start to see and feel the effects of building and strengthening your body, you will definitely feel a spring in your step.
This is perhaps one of the biggest benefits of weight training.
Best of all, you'll start to get noticed more by the opposite sex! This applies whether your male or female, and it applies regardless of age too.
This is simply down to nature - we're naturally more drawn towards healthier looking people.
3/ Greatly improved health and well being - I know this for a fact myself - before I trained with weights I used to catch every germ going - now I rarely catch anything worse than a cold every other year.
Weight training makes your body more resistant to illness.
4/ Muscle Building makes it easier to lose fat - as you add muscle to your body, your metabolism will speed up, and this in turn will help you to lose fat.
Carrying more muscle around will burn more calories.
Two benefits for the price of one! The other up side to this is that as you get into heavier training, your appetite will increase as well.
As long as you eat quality foods and not junk, you'll be able to enjoy your food and not worry about getting fatter! I'd advise that you'd track your body mass index from time to time (your fat percentage), and allow that to guide you.
5/ Great improvements in strength - this comes in really handy for day to day stuff, right down to undoing jars that you couldn't undo before.
It's also comforting to know that you've built your strength up, which adds to the feeling of well-being that you will get from bodybuilding.
6/ Improvements in cardio fitness - the old cliché is that the most important muscle in the body is your heart.
Weight training will definitely increase your cardio fitness.
It's advisable to try and fit a couple of cardio sessions in each week too.
This only needs to be about thirty minutes or so.
If you're very unfit right now, start with just a couple of minutes, and add to that gradually as you build your fitness up, until you get to a half hour.
This cardio training can be anything that doesn't hurt your joints, from brisk walking, to stationary bike, elliptical training or whatever you have available.
It also should be something that you can do on a consistent basis, or something that you can do while "switched off", for example stationary bike whilst playing your mp3.
7/ Bodybuilding improves your bone density - It's a scientifically proven fact - and improved bone density will make you less vulnerable to breaking bones, and in addition, the muscle you build will have a cushioning effect as it takes strain off your joints.
This makes your body more resistant to injury.
The best thing I ever did was to start training with weights - take up bodybuilding, add years to your life, and life to your years.
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