Stain Removal With Vaseline
- If you have a touch lipstick stain on a shirt or other fabric item, you can remove it with Vaseline. Rub the spot with Vaseline to lift the stain from the fabric. If the stain is stubborn, treat it with baking soda as well.
- If you need to remove dried-on paint from a hard surface such as a floor or table, soften the paint with Vaseline, and then follow that with turpentine to remove the softened paint.
- If you work in an industry that causes you to get tar on your clothes, or live in an area that causes you to occasionally track tar in the house, you can remove it with Vaseline. Simply rub the stain with Vaseline to soften the tar. Clothes can be put into the washing machine and laundered as usual. For carpets, scrape up as much softened paint as possible then clean with carpet cleaner and a cloth, being careful to brush upward and not rub the stain into the carpet.
- Once you have removed the stubborn stain, you may find a Vaseline stain left behind. To remove the oily stain, use a dish washing detergent or laundry pretreatment product that removes oil stains. Dawn dish washing liquid and Shout stain treatment are known to be effective. Pretreat the stain, rub it vigorously and launder as usual.