Remove Age Spots on Hands the Simple and Safe Way
No harmful chemicals or surgical procedures, just natural skin care ingredients that work! Yes, a natural ingredient that has the ability to inhibit the formation of melanin production.
A substance that naturally lightens the color of your skin by stimulating the production of new, lighter colored cells.
No more damaging your skin.
No more allergic reactions, painful needles or peels, there's a much safer and easier route to take -- a route that can simply be added to your regular skin care routine.
If you're wondering how did the age spots manage to get on my hands.
Quite simple, people remember to put sunscreen on their face but they forget about their hands.
Because the skin on the back of the hands rarely burns, it's just forgotten.
However, over the years, the age signs start appearing...
wrinkles even age spots.
So, now you want to remove age spots on hands and search for a safe effective treatment.
Look for a natural skin care whitening day cream that gradually lightens the color of your skin without irritation.
But, look for a face cream.
That's right, a cream meant to be used on your face because the skin on the back of your hands is actually similar to that of your face.
And, because skin is the same in both structure and the amount of time exposed to the sun's UV rays, using a face cream on your hands will work.
A skin care product can safely remove age spots on hands because it contains natural extracts from nutgrass root.
The plant's origins are in India since that's where the nutgrass plant grows wild.
Thousands of years ago, the nutgrass roots were used medicinally in Chinese herbal and Ayurvedic medicine due to their high nutritional value.
In recent times, a German company developed it as an anti-irritant for the skin.
But, it was only afterwards were its whitening properties were discovered.
The cluster of cells containing the pigment melanin is the visible age spot.
Therefore, inhibiting melanin production is a part of how to remove age spots on hands and other places.
Is it effective? Nutgrass root was shown in clinical trials to reduce melanin by up to 40%.
But, the wrinkles? Your body's loss of collagen and elastin is another skin aging sign.
And, thankfully there's another effective natural ingredient called Cynergy TK.
Cynergy TK contains a substance called functional keratin that's able to help your body produce more collagen and elastin.
And, studies (on human volunteers) have shown that Cynergy TK regrows skin cells by 160%! Both these ingredients allow you to remove age spots on hands and make your skin younger looking and healthy.
So there you have it, a simple and safe way to remove age spots on hands without using harmful chemicals or needing surgical procedures.
You won't find Cynergy TK or Functional Keratin in any big name brands, but, they are available to anyone via the Internet.
Visit my website today for more information on the powerful ingredients mentioned in this article.
All ingredients are safe, healthy and effective and from a high quality skin care company located in New Zealand.
A company committed to using only natural ingredients.