Four Essential Ingredients Your Business Needs
It can make you wonder how these companies continue to survive and thrive, when they offer similar products targeted at similar audiences.
And yet today the industry is worth billions of dollars and continues to grow and expand.
Clearly, the big brands have substantial advertising, marketing and PR resources, but like any organisation, they need to continually attract clients and turn a profit if they are to survive.
Which, of course, is the challenge for most small business owners.
Like cosmetics' companies there are hundreds of coaches, consultants, therapists, accountants and solicitors out there, with many joining the market place every week, month and year.
At a glance they may appear to offer what seem to be the same services.
But that's not entirely true.
As an entrepreneur there is no one who can do what you do in the way that you do it! And small business owners can be fast and flexible, develop unique offers, target specific clients and operate within niche markets.
You can become well known in your own particular sector; especially if your products and services are a natural expression of you and your special talents.
There are, though, four essential ingredients that all businesses need to develop and strengthen, to help them stand out from the crowd: Promote a strong and memorable brand which is a distinctive representation of you and your business.
Everything from your email signature to the business cards you hand out, send a message about what you do and how you do it.
Make sure that your message is consistently reinforced by everything you do, say and wear (first impressions matter).
Create a buzz about you.
Others will be interested and curious to learn more if there is a sense of interest and excitement about you and your company.
You may have experienced this when choosing where to eat on holiday.
Most people tend to opt for the busy and lively restaurants.
You can create comparable energy by getting out and about, engaging with others and being passionate and enthusiastic about what you do.
Invest in research and development so that you can renew, refresh and update the products and services you offer.
With rapidly changing economic conditions you need to keep your eye on the latest market and consumer trends.
You can do this, without incurring big expenses by engaging with your clients, seeking feedback, attending training events or trade fairs and reading relevant magazines and journals.
Become an essential service.
With so much talk about austerity measures and tightening purse strings, it is likely that people will make very careful decisions about where they spend their money.
In buying from you, your client needs to be reassured that any investment will help them save, gain or accomplish something through using your product or service, or that it will help them reduce mistakes, risk, worry or loss.
When you start to 'amp' up your actions in each of these four areas you will soon see a difference in the number of clients and opportunities that show up.