Romance - The Most Romantic Gift I Ever Got (You"ll Be Shocked)
We love it more than anything, except possibly shopping and chocolate.
Whether it's Juliet pining for Romeo or the Sex in the City gals dishing about guys over Cosmos, we're consumed.
It's like the air that keeps us alive.
We can't do without it.
It's exciting, rejuvenating! So it's no surprise that we're always either looking for a new romance or picking at an old one that - like a 3-day-old balloon - has lost its puff.
And when we've finally run out of things to say about our own romances, we're still not done.
We just start reading up on how the stars are doing with theirs.
If women ruled the world, there would be government-mandated "romance leave" for couples who want to skip work just for some alone-time - to go to Paris or just out for a sexy dinner.
Unfortunately we don't run the world, this is not Planet Love and the people we count on to know romance and to get it right - men! - can be very challenged shall we say in this department.
They're not all by nature or nurture very good at it.
Some are completely clueless.
It is for them, and the ladies who love them in spite of it, that we offer this secret, the one I consider the most important in being romantic.
How to Be Romantic You've probably heard that "it's the thought that counts.
" That's true, but it can't be just any thought.
Everyone wants to be understood and accepted.
They want a connection with someone where they no longer have to explain or defend themselves.
Everyone loves to feel that there's someone who really knows and understands them.
And wants them to experience joy.
I can honestly say that in these terms, the most romantic gift I ever got was when a man noticed I used plain old alcohol hand-sanitizing gel and he went to a bath shop and got me 10 bottles of hand gel with the most divine fruit and flower fragrances.
I had never asked for them - I didn't even know there was such a thing as upscale hand gel! When I opened them, I was stunned.
It was the first time someone had really noticed something tiny but significant about me and taken it to heart.
He doesn't even think hand sanitizer works! But he got it for me anyway and presented it without any mockery or joking.
In the box was fruity hand gel, but the real gift was his pure, sincere wish to make me happy.
Everytime I use it, I think about him, how he "gets" me and how unselfish that was.
Many men have to give something bigger to satisfy their own need to feel important.
But he's not like that.
And that's romantic.