Are You Picking Up Women Now? If Not, Here"s Why

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Meeting the woman of your dreams, for most guys, seems impossible at worst and highly unlikely at best.
Most guys don't even know how to approach women when they find them, let alone talk to them or pick them up.
Do you fall into this area? Do you want to start picking up women, but don't even know where to begin? Have you ever gotten relationship or dating advice from your friends? There's a bad side to this: many of your friends know even less about dating and approaching women than you do, so getting advice from them is like preparing to fail.
Even the shows on TV are biased and unrealistic, since behind all the shows the producers are only trying to cater to certain crowds.
Now to mention any method or tactic that involves picking up beautiful women is highly frowned upon! Here's what I'm trying to say: Picking up women is an art, and typically it's not well received.
Some people call it sleazy, others call it immoral.
But if you know what to do, it can happen for you every night.
It's time to listen to someone that actually knows what he's talking about, so it's a good thing you've came across this article.
I used to be like many of you: overweight, shy, awkward, you name it.
Well, I'm still overweight, but I'm not awkward any more! It's because I say that that I'll tell you this, what you DON'T need when picking up women: You DON'T need to be a model with a ripped 6-pack like the movie stars.
Women want to feel secure, which means looks aren't as important as their feelings.
That's a huge thing to consider too since 85% of guys get this completely wrong! So if you're in the same boat I was in - overweight, shy, and awkward - there's hope for you...
Another misconception is that you need to drive hot sports cars and be all flashy, which is wrong! I know so many dudes that get unbelievably gorgeous women and they don't even own a car.
More often than not they do though, but it's usually not a Nissan 370Z.
Women don't care what kind of car you drive or all those other material things if they actually like you.
If they like you then to them it doesn't matter.
So, the game then becomes getting them to like you.
Making sense so far? And one more thing, you don't need to be all jacked, a swave ethnic guy, or a movie star to get the beautiful women.
The golden rule: personality is the most important thing! It beats out everything else.
All you need to do to impress women is socialize with them the right way.
When you're starting out, get out there as often as you can and talk to as many women as possible.
Now obviously it's slightly cliche to go to the nightclubs and all, but there's really no better place to go since there's so many women in those kind of clubs! What better way to start approaching them? The end result is this: this kind of method takes practice, so you should set a certain number of times every week that you need to go out and try to pick up women.
Every time you go out there and try to pick up women, you gain experience.
You may not (and probably won't) be successful at first, but slowly but surely your confidence will start rising, and people will notice that.
That's the most important thing - confidence.
Remember: Practice makes perfect, and with practice you gain experience.
Here's another tip to remember: when you're going out to the clubs and gaining this experience, it's super important to look good.
Now back up a minute and soak in what I just said.
It's important to "look good," not be "good-looking.
" There's a huge difference here that many guys usually mess up.
Lots of guys have zero confidence because they don't think they're attractive, so they're shy because of it.
You don't have to be a male-model kind of guy, you just need to look good as far as clothes, smell, hair, and all that stuff.
Dress your best: wear color-coordinated clothes (and for the love of God, wear clothes that FIT) and all that.
If you have a fashion-fluent friend, you should probably talk to him or her about your appearance before going out.
It's that important.
Now, you don't NEED to dress super fancy and nice to talk to or pick up women, but typically the better dressed you are the more confident you'll be.
That's a huge thing, and people will notice it.
Lastly, you always need to be conscious of things around you and always be on your toes for the opportunity to pick up women.
I assure you, there's opportunities for every guy ALL the time.
Just follow this simple method and you really can't go wrong: Find an attractive-looking lady.
Approach her and strike up a conversation.
Be yourself and be confident.
And if you do this, there will be a building of attraction that will lead to many other things, so practice those!
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