Getting Celebrity Autographs
A quick internet search reveals hundreds of online auctions, dealers and forums dedicated to the buying and selling of celebrity autographs.
While buying and selling autographs can be fun, and is a great way to fill in missing autographs, there are few adventures more exciting than tracking down autographs on your own.
There are two basic ways to make this happen - in person and through the mail.
Although nothing is ever guaranteed, a few tips can help improve your chances of a successful autograph session.
In Person Plan to wait Autograph collecting is not glamorous.
You will need to do some basic research ahead of time to determine where to wait.
The back door of a venue is a likely spot, as is the elevator at the celebrity's hotel.
Some collectors also have success waiting near the tour bus.
Wherever you are, keep in mind that a lot of other fans will also be on hand, and celebrities generally have only limited time to sign.
Show up two or three hours before the event and realize that you may be waiting until two or three hours after the event ends.
Be polite While we all hope that our favorite celebrities will be friendly and accommodating, keep in mind that they are merely human beings who are accosted by fans and paparazzi every time they leave their homes.
Ask politely for an autograph and perhaps a photo, but try not to take up too much time.
If he or she is simply not able or willing to sign that day, respect that decision and remain friendly.
Everyone is entitled to a bad day, and that same star may be happy to sign the next time.
Be prepared You will be more likely to succeed if you are ready to go.
Bring something for the star to sign and a Sharpie with you.
Have those items along with your camera out of your bag when you meet the celebrity.
Bodyguards and security staff often try to move the star along quickly, and being ready could mean the difference between success and failure.
By Mail If you do not live in a celebrity hotspot like Los Angeles or New York, you may find it challenging to collect autographs in person.
Although collecting by mail does not provide instant gratification, it can sometimes lead to a more personalized autograph or even a handwritten note, which is not possible in the rush of in-person signings.
Use the proper address Even if you happen to scout out the celebrity's home address, avoid the temptation to send an autograph request to that address.
Stalking is a real concern for celebrities.
They prefer for fan mail to go through their official addresses.
You can find these addresses online or by talking with other collectors.
Include something to sign and an SASE Many celebrities routinely send signed photos of themselves, but it is best to enclose something to sign.
You never know when the celebrity may have just run out of photographs.
A self-addressed, stamped envelope allows the celebrity (or his/her handler) to just drop the item into the mail.
Include a friendly but fairly impersonal note You do not want to be mistaken for a stalker, so keep your note friendly but businesslike.
Mention one or two projects that you particularly enjoyed and ask directly for the autograph.
Keep your letter to one page, and include your address at the bottom in case your SASE is lost.
Do Not Send Anything Irreplaceable Stars receive an enormous amount of mail, and it is possible that you may never receive a response.
Therefore, it is important not to send treasured items for autographs.
Stick to replaceable photos and posters.
Autograph collecting can be an exciting hobby, combining detective work with the adrenaline rush of meeting your favorite star.
Getting the autograph is never guaranteed, but by following the tips above you can greatly increase your chances for success.