Social Media Marketing - Are You Ready To Incorporate Social Media Into Everything That You Do?
Incorporate it into your other face to face networking and business events.
AND because it is "social media" it is perfectly acceptable to discuss social media when you are out and about with family and friends.
In my family Facebook is one of the many ways we keep in touch with each other.
When families are geographically distant Facebook can be an excellent way to know what is happening in the lives of others.
This is to your benefit because it makes it a tool that is very acceptable to discuss when not in a business environment.
Social media bridges between both business and social events and occasions.
Three ways you can incorporate social media are...
1) When you are out and about speaking with people ask them if they have a Facebook or Twitter account.
I was surprised last week when having a conversation with someone I thought would never be on Facebook suggested that if I was on Facebook I could send her a friend request.
That way I would be able to check out the details of the event we had been discussing on her Facebook account.
Remember to ASK people if they have a Facebook account, like me, you could be very surprised too.
The same concept applies to Twitter, remember to ASK! 2) Be sure to include the links to your social profiles in your auto signature.
If you do not have an auto signature set up you are missing out on a very effective marketing tool.
You never know who may be interested in your business.
Make sure you insert the full clickable link AND make sure it works properly before sending out tons of email.
Pretty is nice but it is more important that the link actually works.
Make sure that people know how to find you.
3) A technique I learned is to add to your signature when you make comments on other blogs.
Be sure to include them when you go to forums too.
The extra piece that you want to add, "the technique", is to put your title after your name.
Example: Instead of simply adding "Carla McNeil" as my name I insert "Carla McNeil, Social Media Marketing Mentor and Coach".
That way people know exactly what I do without having to click and go elsewhere.
Check out a forum or blog that you view often, is there anyone already doing this? If you see one do you notice that their signature stands out from the crowd? Get creative.
Do what works well for your niche.