To Get Your Ex Back, Take One Day at a Time
Either people have too many choices or too little patience to be with one another for a long time.
It is no wonder then that there are just too many people looking for ways to get back their exes.
If you have also recently been 'dumped' and are keen to get your ex back, there are several mistakes to be avoided and topping the list is a word called 'hurry'.
The relationship might have broken after a speedy high voltage action drama, but when you want to get your ex back, you should never rely on speed.
There are several reasons why speed kills when you want to get your ex back.
The first reason is that your ex, having left you needs time to come to terms with the supposedly 'decisive' action that has been taken.
The mind usually is still in a state of turmoil and unrest.
Perhaps substantial amounts of resentment, revenge and anger are also lurking inside.
You are in pain, understandably but remember, as time heals, it can also have a thawing effect on a situation.
Before you make attempts to get your ex back, give him or her benefit of using time as a thawing agent enabling the person to calm down and face the new reality.
To get your ex back, can be easy as well as tough depending on individual situations as well as the mental strength of the couple concerned.
Some are obstinate and would like to stick to their decision, more for their inflated ego, more than anything else.
On the other hand, there are lots of people who are softer, more pliable and pardoning by nature who have no problems in reconciliation.
Whatever be the nature of your ex, hurrying matters to get your ex back never works - in fact, it makes matters even worse.
What exactly happens when you show that you are in a hurry to get your ex back? First of all, it gives the wrong signal that you are desperate and that you are more than eager to agree to whatever demands may be made post the reconciliation.
Verging on being labeled as emotional blackmailing, when you rush through the process to get your ex back, this is what you might be calling for.
No body wants to be held for ransom, but things can turn this way.
In stead, when you want to get your ex back, why not take your own time to make the first move? Sound and appear confident and relaxed even when you bump into your ex on the street or at the pub.
If you see him or her with another person, do not look bothered leave alone jealous.
Remember this is precisely the strategy deployed by your ex - to make you sizzle in your own juice.
By appearing jealous, you are overtly giving signals that you still care for him or her.
Greet your ex with a polite hello and get busy elsewhere - you do not even have to leave the venue.
Even when you get positive signals from your ex regarding his or her intentions of getting back, there should not be any change in your own strategies to get your ex back - and that is taking one day at a time.
Let him or her miss you and let your absence drive them crazy.
You have nothing to lose.